Chapter 2: Letters and Words

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In the blink of an eye, the skies encapsulated the warmth of the sun-
striking the world with its vibrant sky blue and golden yellow hue, casting a soothing glow over anything else. The gentle caress of the sun's rays created a serene atmosphere before me. The air was filled with the sweet scent of coffee that lingered around the place, with customers enjoying each sip of their daily dose of caffeine.

But suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, and the colors darkened into profound shades of blue. The sky above was now a backdrop filled with deep, velvety blue, dotted with stars that sparkled and seemed to dance and glimmer in the twilight. A gentle and soothing silence replaced the busy and delightful sounds of the day, creating a tranquil symphony that serenaded the night. 

In Layman's terms, night has fallen.

As the clock struck the end of my shift, I found myself alone in the shop. Well- along with Ms. Taeyeon. But, my unnies had departed a few minutes earlier since no customers were left, leaving me to finish up the remaining tasks. They've also helped me with the cleaning already but as the one assigned by Ms. Taeyeon to close the shop, I was always the last to leave.

It's fascinating how adept humans are at reshaping their thoughts to align with their perception of reality (Riordan, R.) and I couldn't agree more. Earlier, I found myself facing an inescapable foe. As I reflected on my journey since I partook in this job, a lot of questions stirred my brain which resulted in me to ponder. Was I lacking? Am I getting fired? Or perhaps, a promotion is on the horizon, waiting to reward all the hard work I did? The certain uncertainty swallowed me, yet I found it very amusing at the human ability to wrap their minds around things and fit them into their version of reality.

With all the courage I've gathered, I brought my feet to walk a few steps, and now I'm outside her office. I feel like I would chicken out any minute, thinking that it would be a good choice to turn back. After all, I would trade anything in the world so that I could avoid my boss and confrontation- my greatest fear. If it were anyone else, I would have barged in without hesitation. But since my work is on the line here, I couldn't help but be scared.

My hand hovered over the doorknob as I hesitated. What if she was in a bad mood? This thought swirled in my mind, overwhelming me. However, I reminded myself that Miss Taeyeon is the epitome of kindness and understanding. And she's not the Miss Taeyeon that I'm perceiving at the moment, right? Right?! 

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. With a final surge of determination, I knocked and pushed the door open, and stepped into her office. I don't often visit her office when I'm not asked by her since I want to keep boundaries. Yet, the familiar sight of her desk and the comforting wood scent from her air humidifier slightly helped to ease my nerves. Miss Taeyeon, recognizing my presence, stopped what she was doing and looked up at me, accompanied by a welcoming aura. 

"Ah, Y/n, please come in," she said with a warm smile. My fears began to subside and were replaced with comfort as I reciprocated her smile.

I really should stop overthinking things...

"I'm really glad that you're here. I've been wanting to talk to you, without the barriers of pen and paper," Miss Taeyeon began. Her words left me puzzled, wondering what she could discuss.

Sensing my confusion about what was happening, she immediately took action to clarify her intentions. She cleared her throat and continued. "I mean, do you still remember the envelope you received last Christmas Eve?"

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