I. Chapter 1

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As the sun cast its first light over the city, I was already preparing for another day to fulfill my goals-to work and make the most of everything during Summer vacation. My name is Y/n, the living testament to the resilience of working students everywhere, with each of us continuously striving to carve our paths in this world.

Well, for starters, I once naively believed that it would be easy to hustle on my own, given the fact that it's been almost four years since I've lived alone and matured at such a young age. Without the safety net of a family, relatives to depend on, anyone I could lean on, and most definitely, not knowing where I came from. But, for some quiet time now, I somehow found the peace of living independently.

Over time, this solitude has developed and woven into the fabric of my existence. It has taught me the art of finding serenity in my own company. Without depending on anyone-without longing...

the need for someone to provide.

Despite my current contentment, a persistent curiosity always lingers at the corners of my mind, asking questions about my origin.

How did I find myself here? In a space so comfortable-it feels like I've always been here.

There were instances that I wished somehow- I knew. So that I'll be able to live my life to its fullest, without amplifying the sense of something missing-a piece of my very soul-a void I could barely touch.


I was so immersed in my thoughts that I hardly noticed I'd arrived at my workplace already. Only the unison of cheerful greetings from my co-workers pulled me back to reality.

"Good morning, Y/n!" They chirped in unison.

I blinked in surprise, allowing the café's features to come into focus-the cozy interior of the café illuminated by bulbs that brought an incandescent glow, the gentle hum of my favorite espresso machine, and the soothing aroma of ground coffee- all well compacted, making my lips form a smile.

"Good morning, unnies!" I responded. With each deep-seated thought vanishing because of the familiarity and warmth I felt. I took my apron and prepared to start the day.

"You seemed to be lost in thought," I heard my boss, Ms. Taeyeon, said as she approached me. I mean- I can't blame her for noticing since it was highly evident.

Ms. Kim Taeyeon stands tall as one of the nation's most formidable heroes, holding the prestigious third rank according to the National Hero Association. With the absolute prowess of her flair, pyrokinesis, she solidified her reputation as a beacon of strength and courage in the hero community. Despite her fame and wealth, she's actually an admirable and caring person-a mother figure, in my perception. Not gonna lie- I once held the misconception that heroes of her caliber were conceited and solely driven by the pursuit of fame. However, Ms. Taeyeon has shattered that stereotype, proving herself to be a true hero in every sense of the word.

"It's nothing, Ma'am," I sighed softly, my hands clenched into fists to conceal their trembling. I hoped she wouldn't press further, and thankfully, she seemed to understand my unease.

"Alright, I understand. But if you need advice or someone to listen, don't hesitate to ask me, okay?" Her reassuring smile and gentle pat on my head filled me with a sense of relief and comfort. With that, she headed to her office.

As I turned my back, I met playful smirks from my co-workers-my friends, their teasing evident from their eyes.

"Looks like someone is Ms. Taeyeon's favorite!" Yeri chirped, making the others join her bantering.

"What do you mean, Yeri? Our Y/n had always been Taeyeon-unnie's favorite!" Seulgi added.

"Ahem, Seulgi, what you're saying is simply not true. Y/n is adored by everyone." Joy interjected, her voice filled with conviction.

As the playful banter continued, with compliments being exchanged amid the friendly argument, I couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth and felicity. It was as if my endocrine system had decided to excrete a flood of serotonin, leaving me flushed with embarrassment.

"Alright, everyone, please focus and refrain from playing around. We've only got five minutes until the cafe opens. On top of that, we've got a line of customers already waiting outside. Don't you think it would be better if we're perfectly prepared so that we can serve our customers quickly and efficiently?" Ms. Taeyeon intervened, probably because she listened to all the chaos from earlier.

"Yes, ma'am!" All of us replied enthusiastically.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Y/n, as you close the shop, please go to my office after. We'll discuss something important." Ms. Taeyeon says as she reverts to her office.

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

It has always been like this here, during summer vacation, the time of the year that meets the tenderness of the sun- sometimes scorching yet always met with an undeniably familiar comfort.

My unnies and I met during last year's summer vacation when I was seventeen (17). They were already well-known to everyone, henceforth their presence was greeted with recognition, admiration, and respect. On the other hand, I was left completely puzzled as I was clueless about who they were.

I vividly remember the awkward moment when they asked why I didn't recognize them as they appeared a lot on TV. Well- I reluctantly confessed that even though I had a television at home, I couldn't afford an antenna or cable subscription to access channels since I had priorities.

It soon became apparent that my unnies were not just students from South Korea's most prestigious academy- they were a group equipped with some of the school's most revered and feared seniors. As far as I could remember, it was named, Wingston Academy. The home and alma mater of the world's elite heroes. An institution that aims to grant not only education but also to hone the skills of those with peculiar abilities, known as flairs.

It always gives me a bizarre feeling to think how lucky I was to meet truly amazing people in one year when I started working here. Because I knew in the back of my mind that I wouldn't be able to attend those- especially since I'm fully aware that I don't possess any flair.

The unnies are on a summer break again that's why they're here. They mostly spent their academic breaks helping in the cafe. However, one thing they revealed a few weeks ago left me stunned. Amid being friends with them for almost a year now, I just recently learned that-

They were vampires.

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