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A/N: this was the most unmotivated, uninspiring chapter ever. I am in a major writer's block and forced myself to write this in hopes of finding some type of inspiration for the next. So my apologies, because this may be terrible and I got lost in where I was taking this story.🥴

Comment Anyway Please!

Author's POV

Jaina slept in most of the morning due to travel and being abroad she was overly exhausted. She woke up with texts from Charli, wishing her good morning and to have an amazing day. She also saw a text from Brielle asking her to pick her up because she didn't feel safe walking back home. Plus, they were due for a severe thunderstorm.

Jaina's POV

I pulled up to harmonie's and called Brielle to let her know that I was outside. When she came out the door I immediately knew, that she wasn't okay.

As she approached my car, her movements were slow and lethargic, lacking the usual youthful vigor. With a heavy sigh, she opened the door and sank into the passenger seat, her posture slumped and defeated. Her eyes, usually bright with enthusiasm, were now clouded with a veil of sadness, reflecting the weight of an invisible burden. A sense of resignation hung in the air as she buckled his seatbelt, the click of the latch punctuating the heavy silence between us.

"You okay, babygirl?" I asked her. Brielle shook her head no, "but I don't want to talk about it though, Tia" she stated looking out the window, hearing rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning "Okay, that's fine. If you need to talk sweetheart, I'm here" I reassured.

Brielle looked down, fidgeting with her fingers, "I know Tia.. and I appreciate you but I kinda just want my mama right now" I know that my niece knew that I was here for her. But sometimes, a girl just wants her mom and I completely understand that. "Okay, I understand.. can I just ask you one question? And I promise we don't have to talk for the rest of the day if you don't want"

Brielle slightly nodded, "Okay.." she nearly whispered, "What did you mean you didn't feel safe today Mija?" She shrugged her shoulders, still avoiding contact with me. "It just felt weird.. like I was being followed or something. But it's fine, I'm sure it's nothing"

"No more walking.." I firmly stated, but she didn't respond.

The rest of the way, we drove home in complete silence. After a few minutes, we were finally home and the rain was just getting started. Brielle went inside and went directly to her room and closed her door leaving me to myself. After our small conversation earlier, it made me want to call my mom after all these years...

I grabbed my phone, went to my contacts, and scrolled down the phone number I hadn't dialed in about 10 years.

I became nervous with each ring...

"Hola" my mom answered, I paused not knowing what to say.. Or how to feel.

"Madre?" I replied in a shaky voice.

Authors POV

Stefania, Danielle, and Zadie all made their way to board Carmen's private jet. Carmen called to let Stefania know that she would no longer be able to make it due to her having an emergency that she needed to take care of.

The pilot and co-pilot came out to greet the three, as well as 2 flight attendants. "I'm Emily and this is Gabby! We are your flight attendants today. If you need anything, don't be afraid to let us know" they greeted. As they all got situated on the jet, Danielle made sure Stefania and Zadie had everything they needed before she went to the bedroom towards the back of the jet, snuggling herself deep into the blankets.

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