Chapter 12: Stealth Mission... Again

Start from the beginning

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached their destination—a narrow tunnel leading directly into the heart of Gama Base. With a silent nod of approval, Rick motioned for the team to proceed, their footsteps echoing softly in the darkness as they pressed forward.

Their arrival went unnoticed as they emerged from the shadows, the dimly lit corridors of Gama Base stretching out before them like a maze of secrets waiting to be uncovered. With Rick leading the way, they embarked on the next phase of their mission, their resolve unwavering as they delved deeper into the heart of enemy territory.

With the team gathered around him, Rick's mind raced with possibilities as he formulated a plan to breach the heavily guarded chamber. Gesturing for everyone to huddle closer, he began to outline their next steps in hushed tones.

"Alright, here's the plan," Rick whispered, his voice barely audible over the soft hum of their cloaking devices. "We'll need to disable the security systems without alerting the guards. Yuji, I need you to use your cursed energy to disrupt their surveillance cameras."

Yuji nodded, a determined glint in his eyes as he prepared to unleash his powers. "Got it, Rick. I'll take care of the cameras."

Turning his attention to Dipper and Mabel, Rick continued, "You two will be in charge of creating a distraction. Use your skills with illusions to draw the guards away from the chamber entrance."

Dipper and Mabel exchanged a knowing glance, their determination matching that of their companions. "We're on it, Rick," Dipper replied, his voice steady despite the gravity of their mission.

As Rick turned to Morty, he noticed the apprehension in his grandson's eyes. Placing a reassuring hand on Morty's shoulder, he spoke softly, "Morty, I need you to stay close to me. We'll be the ones to infiltrate the chamber and uncover Gama's secrets."

Morty nodded, his nerves still evident but his resolve firm. "Okay, Rick. I'm with you."

With their roles assigned and their plan in place, the team moved into action with practiced precision. Yuji unleashed a wave of cursed energy, disrupting the surveillance cameras and creating a temporary blind spot for their approach.

Meanwhile, Dipper and Mabel conjured illusions at strategic points throughout the base, diverting the attention of the guards and creating openings for Rick and Morty to slip past unnoticed.

With the path cleared, Rick and Morty moved swiftly towards the chamber entrance, their cloaking devices masking their presence as they approached the heavily guarded door. With a series of quick gestures, Rick bypassed the security measures, disabling the locks with ease.

As the door slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the chamber beyond, Rick and Morty exchanged a brief nod before stepping inside. The chamber was shrouded in darkness, its secrets waiting to be revealed as they prepared to confront whatever dangers lay hidden within.

The door stood slightly ajar, revealing glimpses of holographic screens displaying intricate plans and maps. Dipper, ever the curious investigator, nudged Rick.

Dipper: "This looks important. Let's see what Gama's up to."

The group cautiously entered the room, taking note of the information scattered across the screens. Mabel, always one for dramatic flair, couldn't help but comment.

Mabel: "I knew Gama had a flair for the dramatic, but this is a whole new level."

Morty noticed one of the holographic screens featuring a girl who could transform into a tiger (he was referring to Kipo). Dipper corrected Morty, saying she could actually turn into a jaguar. Dipper also observed another image—a depiction of Kipo in her mega kaiju form, alongside her DNA strain and some peculiar yellow liquid. Rick examined the holograph and informed the group that he recognized the yellow liquid. It was a substance capable of inducing berserk behavior in living creatures, essentially making them more animalistic. Yuji chimed in, expressing concern about its implications. Mabel's eyes widened in realization.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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