Alexa had attempted to look betrayed, however with her ongoing laugh attacks, she failed to appear threatening.

"Fine!" She called out, "fine what?" Lottie continued tickling. 

"You're scary and you're so so so mean!" Alexa gave in, Lottie stepped back from the girl, who scrambled to the other side of the couch. The girl hid behind Daisy, "you can't leave me with her, she's loco." She gasped out. 


Saying goodbye to Daisy had been harder than expected, especially given the context she knew, she had almost been afraid to let go of her. Alexa blinked away unexpected tears, as they waved the woman goodbye.

The rest of the evening had gone by smoothly for the pair, Lottie even let Alexa choose out a movie for them to watch, proclaiming it was movie night. They had popcorn and everything, in a way it felt almost perfect, a good end to their time together. As the credits rolled for homeward bound, Lottie stretched out on the couch, "I think it's bedtime now." She stated, Alexa nodded.

Lottie left the girl on the couch, going over to the dog crate in the corner. "Cooper! come here buddy!" She called out, opening the latch. The dog followed the woman's words, Alexa watched sadly as the dog was put in the crate.

"Doesn't he get lonely at night?" Alexa frowned, "he loves his crate, it's all nice and comfy for him." Lottie reassured, "he must get scared." Alexa said. "He knows we're going to let him out every morning."

The crate's door was locked into place, resigning Cooper to his bed for the night, much to the girls dismay. "Bye bye Cooper." She waved at the dog, as she was lifted into Lottie's arms.

The pair made their way upstairs, Alexa holding chase as they made their way into Lottie's room. "I thought we could have a sleepover of sorts tonight." Lottie grinned, Alexa merely smiled in return, hugging the blonde. Tonight seemed to be falling too perfectly into plan, and for a moment she felt sceptical about it all, an eerie feeling in her stomach.

As the night time routine went on as well, Alexa shook away this feeling, putting it down to nerves. It felt odd, her stomach felt odd, even her brain felt odd. After this prolonged form of torture, she was going to be free, this was the last time she'd ever have to be inside these four walls.

The only reminiscent of her time there would be the small things she had left around, the colouring sheets on the fridge, the toys she had touched every so often, the clothes she had worn.

"Everything okay?" Lottie asked, Alexa thought that she could read her mind for a moment, but she nodded. "I'm sleepy mama." She replied, looking down at her fluffy socks."Can I wear your special shirt tonight mama?" Alexa enquired, "let me go get it." Lottie smiled.

The girl sat on the bathroom counter top, giving the room a last look, she wondered about her life on the outside, she didn't know where she would go yet.

Lottie returned with the black shirt in her hands, "mama's special shirt for her special little girl." She spoke. Lottie changed the girl out of the pyjamas she already wore, slipping the shirt onto her. The girl went to the bathroom before going back into the room, "can I sleep on mommy's side?" She received a nod. 

Alexa slipped into Daisy's side of the bed, which she had learned was the left side. She grabbed Chase from where she had left him earlier on the bed, "oh mama's been so silly, she's forgotten to grab your milk, i'll be one second." Lottie said, "can I..not drink milk tonight?" Alexa questioned.

Looking down at her lap, she prepared her acting skills, "why not sweetie?"

"I don't." She swallowed, "I don't want to have an accident mama." Alexa whispered.


Laying still, Alexa dared to open her eyes, looking over to see Lottie fast asleep. She remembered what Daisy had told her the first week, about how Lottie was a heavy sleeper. Hesitantly,  the girl sat up, Lottie remained still.

Alexa resisted the urge to place a kiss on the blonde's cheek, instead she settled to merely stroke her hand.  "I'm sorry barbie." She whispered, feeling nostalgic. The girl slipped out of the bed, picking up Chase. The girl tugged the shirt over her head, she laid it out neatly on the bed. She felt embarrassed for a moment, for her indecency, but there was nobody there to see her.

She quietly opened the door, feeling a shock of relief as she closed it behind her. She went into her designated room, making her way to the closet. 

It took a few minutes to find an outfit, she chose a plain white dress, it felt poetic almost, white for purity. It was all the way at the back of the shelving that she found underwear, pink underwear with red hearts covered over them. Slipping off the pull up, felt like removing chains off her wrists. Alexa slipped the underwear on, pulling the dress over her head, she also took off her socks.

She gave the crib one last glare before entering the hallway, she walked quietly. Making it to the room she had become rather associated with- the playroom. 

Now this was it, this was the moment.

The girl entered the god forsaken room, feeling sinful in her walk to the window. She turned Chase onto his bag, unzipping the small zip on her stomach, she pulled out the small key. This could either make or break her plan, or well it would make her plan much easier, otherwise it was breaking windows time.

Holding her breath, she placed the key into the windows lock. For a moment, she felt frustrated, the key wouldn't turn. With an extra bit of force, she unlocked the window. 

The window was opened fully,  she kept Chase clutched in her hand. The drop from the window onto the first floor roof was a small one, one that made her heart skip a beat anyways. Adrenaline rushed inside of her, as she walked further onto the roof, "sorry Chase, forgive me later." She whispered, dropping the stuffed dog onto the grass below her. 

As she begin to swing her legs over the edge, she looked back at the window, wondering if she should climb back into the window and pretend it never happened. Looking down at the dog below her, she realised she couldn't leave Chase alone for the night. 

With a strong push, she landed on the grass, needing her hands to steady her balance. 

She was free, she was out, well almost out.

As she walked through the darkness, she wished she had attempted to find a flashlight. The small things seemed to slip her mind however, she had been so focused on physically getting out, that she hadn't remembered to plan for after she got out .

Alexa almost missed the small fence opening, having to take a few step backs to get to it. "Sorry again." She muttered, tossing Chase over the fence. The girl got on her knees, her hands begin digging into the dirt, frantic hands throwing the dirt away. She didn't have any time to contemplate the dirt caking under the nails, she was frantically trying to get it away, afraid she would be caught at any moment.

It took a minute or so of digging until the opening felt big enough, "here goes nothing." She whispered to herself. Alexa pushed her head through the hole, her shoulders barely squeezing in. She had to use all her weight to pull her body out of it, her white dress being covered in dirt.

With a last pull, she was out!

She searched the dark grass for Chase, finding him a few feet in front of her. She crawled to him, keeping him clutched in her hands as she stood up. 

What she failed to realise was her surroundings, tall trees stood all around her. "We're not in Kansas anymore." She whispered.

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