chapter 3: My Only Home

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All of a sudden Dustin flinched away from Amy ( his mate) and changed into his wolf he took off running. Amy stood there tears now rolling down her cheeks.

Ace changed into his wolf and went after Dustin, when he found him he was back in his human form with shorts on. He was fisting a tree and screaming up at to the heavens. He was crying and shaking. I changed into my human form found some shorts left behind a tree for situations when we had to shift. I went over to him and tried to pull him away from the tree and hurting himself.

Ace- " Dustin, shit stop this. STOP IT!' he was screaming and fell to his knees.

Dustin -" w...w...why me? What did I do? I can't, I don't know what to do Ace. I'm hurting Ace"

This was the first time Dustin had ever broken down like this Infront of Ace . Ace could see how hurt he was. Dustin's wolf wanted to also be realised you could see by the colour of his eyes.

Ace Pov

I heard running coming our way, with my friend in this weakened state I had to protect him and I would protect him, I went into a fighting stance. Out from behind the trees came the general my delta and also our friend.
He looked behind me and patted my shoulder as he walked up to Dustin.

Delta (Ian)- " Dustin come buddy let's get you home," Dustin didn't or couldn't put up a fight as he looked as drained as I'm sure he felt, he looked so defeated. Ian held him also supporting his wight over his shoulder, I went up and helped him to support the weight of our friend. We carried him to his room and gave him something to sleep.

Ian and I walked in a saddened silence back to my office.

Ace-" Ian how can a human girl have so much effect on him. I mean his wolf should be helping him to actually get over her and start to see his mate as his lover, his only love."

Ian- " this is also what I thought but it seems as if his wolf side has gotten attached to the human girl. I think both parts of him have excepted her and both parts actually love her"

Ace-" Ian what do we do? We got to do something to help him. We can't just leave him to hurt, we have three fragile hearts to keep in mind here Dustin, my sister and the human girl Mia "

Ian looked up at me with shock clearly written in his face when he heard who Dustin's mate was.
All I could do was not my head sadly to answer his unspoken question

Ian- " I think I have a way but I don't know if he would agree...."

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