1 | My New Teacher

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(In Neutral Grounds, two young boys sit, one drinking hot chocolate and the other with water. The speckled one laughs to himself.)

Ozzy: Are you really sure this is a good idea?! You're new to the team, and no offence, but I don't think the others are going to take this seriously.
Kingston: I'm aware, but I need to brush up on my ballet if I want to stay on TNS West. Also, need I remind you that you only joined last week too!

Kingston TH

A few days ago, I came to this studio, The Next Step, after one of the head-choreographers called West told me that he was interested in me joining their team. I had only posted videos of me dancing online before that and am a self thought dancers, so that's how he discovered me.

Sadly, it also meant though that I didn't have much actual training and now being on a competitive team meant I fell behind the others quickly. The studio-head of TNS West, Michelle, said if I didn't improve then I'd be kicked out. Which is what I'm talking to Ozzy, who is all a part of the team, about right now.

Ozzy: Okay, but you do know these classes are for 5 years olds, right? Not sure how much that will help you improve.
Kingston: It's the best option I've got right about now.

(With that, he picks up his bottle of water and heads out the cafe, waving goodbye to his new friend. He stops walking when he gets to studio-a, the main room for TNS West, where he catches several parents saying goodbye to their toddlers.)

Kingston TH

This is going to be embarrassing. But, it's what I signed up for.

(As he joins the group of little children, he catches a soft voice calling off names. A voice he did not want to hear.)

Noah: Alright guys, let's gather around. I'm going to start roll call before we begin. Do we have Casey with us today?
Casey: Here...
Noah: Wonderful, and Sophie?
Sophie: Here, Mr.Noah.
Noah: Haha, and Kingston?
Kingston: *grunts* Here...

(Noah looks up at the deep voice and without even looking up, the other boy can sense his eyes widen. It takes a few more moments before their teacher gets through the names and begins class.)

(Kingston tries the best he can throughout the class to follow the others and the orders their teacher gives them. He is wobbly though and can feel the other kids giggling at him. He has to grit his teeth not to shout when a girl taps his calf and tells him to point his foot out.)

Kingston TH

Little kids can be so cruel!

That's not the worst part though! He may think he's subtle, but I can hear Noah laughing at this little girl's words as-well!

I haven't been in this studio for long, but one thing I know is about our rivals, TNS East. They also dance here, but at the other side of the studio. They're a much more contemporary and ballet focused team than TNS West, which means most of them are pretty stuck up.

No surprise Noah, who is part of their team, finds my dismay amusing.

(Through his frustration though, Kingston sees the older boy step forward. He wonders what he is doing, probably to taunt him some more. But, then he feels a pair of hands on his waist.)

Noah: You're just a bit off balance.
Kingston: *flustered* Don't touch me!
Noah:...okay, sorry.

(Confused, his teacher goes back to the front of the room, leading the other kids through the rest of the class. The next 30 minutes feel like torture.)

(As soon as they are told they can go, Kingston rushes to the cubby to grab his bag. He chugs down the rest of his bottle, attempting to cool down his hot skin.)

Kingston TH

Why did I think this was a good idea?! That was unbearable! Ozzy was right!

(As he goes to swing his bag around his shoulder though, he catches the eyes of his teacher. The brunette boy attempts to to give him a supportive smile and a nod, but Kingston just scoffs and turns away.)

Kingston TH

I doubt any of that look was sincere. He probably can't wait to get on the phone and tell all his teammates about what happened today! Well, fuck him then!

Maybe I shouldn't give up on this class. I still desperately need to improve, and even though that was severely embarrassing, I don't want to give that prick the satisfaction of seeing me quit already. I need to do this! It's the only way!


A/N: Will Kingston be able to continue these classes, or will it become too much? And why did he get so flustered when Noah touched him?

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