Chapter 8

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Sebastian released a big smile as soon as he had written the last sentence of the epilogue of the novel he had recently finished.

I just want to thank my inspiration, my beloved Helen for being my rock whom I can lean on at times when writing is hard, when I don't feel like believing in myself. She taught me to finish what I had started.

Paulina knocked on Sebastian's door saying Helen had come to visit. Sebastian closed her book and put the pen on its can. Helen appeared at the door, and she slowly walked inside and sat. She removed her hat from her head and put it on her lap.

"My love, why are you here? What's wrong?" Sebastian stood up and approached Helen and sat beside her.

"Why did you not tell me?" Helen said, staring at the floor. "Why did you not tell me?"

"What are you talking about?" Sebastian said confused by her question.

Sebastian was surprised when Helen looked at her with tears in her eyes. He can see that she had cried all night by the looks of her swollen and puffy eyes.

"Helen, what happened?" He asked, trying to embrace her. Helen avoided him by moving her shoulders.

"You are arranged to be married to someone else. And.. your father doesn't like me for you." She answered. "Why did you hide that from me?" She added.

"He..Helen!" Sebastian is speechless and confused as to how she discovered this information.

"Bash," Helen said sniffing her nose. "Why? Someone met up with me and told me everything. You are arranged to be married."

"I don't know how to say that to you. And besides, I won't obey my father. I have told him I am not marrying another woman but you. I told him I would throw away everything if he still insisted. " Sebastian replied.

"Helen." He said and hugged her. " I love you. You're the woman I love."

"That's why Philip was begging you to go home. I knew there was something wrong. I knew it." She let go of Sebastian's embrace and stood up.

"We've been together for two years now and yet I have not even seen a glimpse of your father's shadow. Every time I ask, it's always next time, next time. All this time you're lying to me!" She argued.

"Helen. Please. I am sorry. I needed to lie. How can I reveal the real reason to you? I am afraid. I am afraid you'll give up on us." Sebastian said and hugged her again.

"It's hard to live like this, Bash. How can we get your father's blessings in marriage? How can I explain this to my family?" Helen asked.

"Give me some time. I'll fix everything. I'll do everything for Father to accept us. Give me some time." Sebastian assured her.

Helen did not answer but hugged Sebastian back crying. She knows it will be hard, but she loves the man. She trusts him and she's also willing to fight for him. She's not going to just give up Sebastian as well for another woman.


Philip guided Semoun who just recently arrived at Miguel's mansion. He's there to report his recent encounter with Helen.

"Please knock on the door if you're ready. Lord Bernard is just inside." Philip said to Semoun and left.Semoun knocked on Lord Bernard's office door and Margaret opened it for him.

"Semoun! You're back. I never thought you would be back this early." Lord Bernard said on his seat and sipped on his cup of tea.

Margaret prepared a cup of tea for him and put it on the table near the couch of the office.

"Please sit down, Mr. Semoun." Margaret said and went to her table.

"Thank you so much, Lord Bernard." Semoun sat and sipped on his tea.

"Let's get down to business. Do you have anything that I need to know?" Lord Bernard asked and stood up holding his cigarette pipe.

"Yes, Lord Bernard. I met up with Madam Helen. Now she knows everything. However, she said she won't give up on Sebastian." Semoun paused and said later, "She said she would fight for him."

"Stubborn girl." Lord Bernard replied.

"Alright. Find out where her father is working, and I will have a short meeting with him. I'll go to his workplace personally." Lord Bernard added.

Semoun glared at him shocked at what he heard. Lord Bernard doesn't go out of his office unless it's very necessary and he realizes his son's love affair with a commoner is very serious at that very moment.

"Yes, Semoun. I'll go out of this office and personally talk with her father. Let's see how far that girl's stubbornness would go?"

Semoun stood up and nodded. "Yes, my Lord."

"Can you return here after a week?" Lord Bernard asked.

"I'll try my best I'll be back after three days." Semoun replied.

"I'll give you a week. I would give them more time to spend together, enjoy their time together while they can. " Lord Bernard said while thinking of the couple.

Semoun nodded and left.

" I am going to town today. Aren't you two going?" Milly said as she poured the two girls their milk during breakfast.

"We'll go, Mil. Good thing it's Saturday. No class for Ellie. Right, El?" Trivia said.

Ellie nodded happily.

"Alright. Finish your food and please be ready in 10 minutes." Milly said.

Suddenly, the coachman arrived, and the two girls hurriedly rushed to their room and changed.

"What do you think Lupe's prediction of me for the next month? Will I meet someone this week?" Trivia asked giggling. They were already inside the coach on the way to town.

"You girls! The last time we went there, you arrived late in arriving at our meeting place. If I say to meet me at that certain time, I instructed you to meet me, then be on time. We were looking for you for almost an hour. Lord Bernard scolded me last time." Milly said reminding them.

"Yes, Milly. The reader took so much time to read mine. I don't even trust her. She said my marriage will be doomed." Ellie answered.

"Don't claim it. That's the correct word to say. You don't claim your marriage will be doomed. And besides, she said I'll meet someone who is a lawyer but I did meet Patrick but he's not a lawyer." Trivia said. "And you know how it ended."

"Yes. Yes. She said he's a lawyer. That gives me more reason not to trust her." Ellie answered.

Trivia nodded.

"Girls, one piece of advice. You make your destiny. Yes, there are those people who are so attracted to luck but if they don't decide, they will not get what they've been anticipating. Just do the right thing. Decide the right thing and everything will follow." Milly said.

"You're right, Milly. But I am so addicted to knowing my future." Trivia laughed. "They might be inaccurate, but I still want to figure out that they would be inaccurate later on."

"You're strange, Trivia. That's why I am so happy you're here." Ellie said hugging Trivia next to her.

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