Chapter 5

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Sebastian arrived at the train station first. He had been standing and sitting while waiting for Philip, but he hadn't even seen his silhouette.

Suddenly a running person was seen approaching him. He was carrying a big bag with his right hand.

"There he is," Sebastian whispered to himself.

Philip spotted him and rushed beside him. "I apologize, Lord Bash. I overslept." He said trying to catch his breath.

"No problem. The train hasn't arrived though." Sebastian replied.

Suddenly, someone tapped Sebastian back. A big flash of a smile welcomed him as he turned his back. It's Helen.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian was surprised and suddenly hugged her.

"Good morning, Madame." Philip greeted her.

"Good morning." She replied to Philip. "I am here to see you before you go. Here. " She said to Sebastian next handing her a rectangular package.

"What's this?"

"A painting. For your father." She replied. " We have not been introduced yet but I want to give it to him. I painted it myself."

A big guilt was suddenly felt by Sebastian when he heard those words from Helen's mouth. How can he give this painting to his father? How can he reveal to Helen that she's not welcome in his home?

Suddenly, the train arrived, and the announcement of departure was released by the speaker.

"Thank you. I am sure father will like this one." Sebastian replied.

Philip said his goodbye to Helen and carried Sebastian's small bag. He only brought his things from work so that he could continue it while at home.

"I love you, Helen. See you. Wait for me." Sebastian said and hugged Helen. She hugged him back.

Sebastian hurriedly followed Philp and settled himself on a seat beside the window. He waved to Helen as the train was moving until he could no longer see her from a distance.


Andrea opened the gate when he saw a coach coming. She shouted with happiness when she saw Sebastian opened the window smiling.

"Lord! Lord Bash! You're back." She put down her broom and went straight to the young man and hugged him as he went down from it.

"Nana Andrea. I miss you. How are you?" Sebastian asked and hugged her back.

"Fine but it's a little bit lonely since you left. Your father became even stricter. Oooh! You have become even more handsome and dapper." The old lady said still hugging Sebastian who had not been home for months.

"Nana. Thank you. Don't flatter me so much." Sebastian said.

"How about me, Nana? Can I get a hug, too?" Philip asked.

"Ooh! You're home, too." Andrea also hugged Philip and helped him with the bags.

"This one, Nana. Take that to Lord Sebastian's room. It's lighter." Philip said.

"Nana, where's Nana Mathilda? Is she okay?" Sebastian asked as they walked to the hallway to his mansion.

"Okay? What do you mean?" Andrea asked.

"We received a letter that she's sick," Sebastian answered.

"Oh! Yes. She had a sore throat but she's very fine now. She's in the kitchen right now cooking your favorite. After you see your father in his office, you better go to her next." Andrea answered.

Philip saw Sebastian's disappointment on his face as soon as she heard Andrea's answer. His father tricked him by using Mathilda's mild sore throat condition to worry him so that he would go home.

"Yes! Yes! Lord Sebastian, let's go and meet your father." Philip hurriedly pushed Sebastian to the stairs so that they could both see his father.

Philip knocked on the old man's door and his assistant, Margaret, opened the door.

"Margaret, can you leave for a minute? I'll have a word with Father." Sebastian cut the pleasantries and went down to business. He knew he was not there to have a vacation or to unwind but to make things clear with his father.

"No, no! Stay here, Margaret." Lord Bernard said. "She's, my assistant. She would write everything being talked about here."

"Father, I don't want to marry someone else. I only want Helen." Sebastian walked to Lord Bernard's table putting his two hands on it.

"You are not going to marry any girl, Sebastian. You will marry Ellie, the son of Lord William." Lord Bernard replied.

"Father, I am a grown man now capable of my own decision. I have a beloved girlfriend waiting for me in the city. She's so excited about meeting you. And now, even the thought of bringing her to my hometown is impossible." Sebastian argued walking away from the table.

"You are an heir to all of this, Sebastian. My employees will be your employees in the future. Once you marry, I will be passing you all my property. You cannot just fail them just because of a woman." Lord Bernard argued as he stood up from his chair and walked towards Sebastian.

"She would be more willing to help me run our properties once we married. She's not just any woman, papa! She's an educated woman. She works for Thomas Lawrence. She's talented. She's an amazing woman. She comes from a good family." Sebastian argued.

"I don't want to hear those things. She's not worthy of being part of the Miguel family. " The old man said puffing his cigarette pipe.

"Then I don't want to be a Miguel anymore. I'll throw away everything if you separate me from Helen." Sebastian said, turning his back and about to walk to the door.

"What are you going to do? Write children's books forever? Earn low minimum wage. At least Philip is a lawyer. He'll have a lot of job opportunities." Bernard returned to his seat.

"Lord Bernard, Lord Sebastian's books are sold out," Philip spoke.

"Huh?" Lord Bernard sarcastically spoke. "Until when?"

Philip sulked in his seat and did not respond. Sebastian stopped not believing his father thinks of his job as low. He loves his job. He loves writing children's books like his mother. He believes he'll make a name of his own soon. He cannot believe his father would say such a thing about his profession. He had had enough. He had decided at that very moment that he needed to leave and go back to the city. He should not have gone home in the first place.

"If you marry that woman, I will sell all my properties and who knows, where all the people working here will go! They might be sold to a cruel man who would treat our 500-plus beloved employees badly and would make their lives miserable. I don't care. I don't care now. I only care about my only son marrying into a reputable family and that is the Gracy's." Bernard said softly.

"Margaret, ready everything. I can retire anytime soon. I am tired." Bernard spoke to Margaret who is writing everything on paper and arranging her typewriter.

Sebastian sensed his father's nonsense, so he hurriedly went out of the room and went to his room. He grabbed his things, but he paused, looking at the wrapped painting Helen gave to his father. He decided to bring it along with him going back to the city. 

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