Chapter 4

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Milly prepared breakfast at the dining table so that Lord William, Ellie, and Trivia could eat. She prepared egg omelets, bread, a pitcher of milk, some fruits, and jam.

The two girls were giggling as they sat. The giggle stopped when Lord William walked down the stairs.

"What's the commotion about? Can you two please just for once be lady-like?" He said as he properly checked his tie.

"Please leave Milly. I'll have a word for these two." Lord William summoned Milly and she hurriedly left the dining room.

"Where were you last night, Trivia?" Lord William asked.

The two girls were shocked. Why did Lord William know about Trivia's secret rendezvous?

"Huh? Trivia?" Lord William checked if Trivia had heard his question the first time.

"I am just inside Ellie's room, Uncle," Trivia said confused.

"No. You weren't. Someone saw you with the son of Roman, our gardener. You two are kissing in the garden." Lord William said.

The two girls remained silent. Trivia's heartbeat beat for the worst but felt relieved when Lord William seemed calm saying the event he found out.

"I fired him and sent him home earlier." He suddenly added.

"What? Why did you do that?" Trivia argued. She could not believe that Lord William fired the man because of this stupid reason.

"I have the right to fire whoever I want to fire in this house. " He answered.

"You cannot just do that to someone who's making ends meet. He's working hard to help his father. You, you are so heart..less." Trivia said softly, crying in her seat.

"Trivia." Ellie calmly said holding her hand down the table.

"If you want to still argue my decision on this, you can freely go home and leave my house. And let your father deal with you. " Lord William said and paused. No one is answering back. " He sent you here because he wanted me to discipline you now I am here to do that. I cannot just let you have a relationship with a gardener's son." He added.

"He has a name. He's Patrick and we're not even in a relationship!" Trivia spoke.

"Whatever kind of relationship, unofficial, official, or anything that could lead to, God forbid marriage with someone I don't approve of must be prevented." He answered. "Now, let's eat because I have more important things to attend to."

Trivia hurriedly left the table, crying as she was climbing the stairs.

"Triv!" Ellie called.

"Just let her. You, Ellie! You are going to marry Sebastian Miguel and no one else. Understood?" Lord William asked.

"Yes, Father," Ellie answered and drank her milk.


Ellie knocked at the door.

"Triv, can I come in?" Ellie asked.

"Yes, for sure. This is your room." Trivia answered. Ellie slowly opened the door and closed it as soon as she was in.

"Yes. This is my room, but you have all the right to close the door and have your privacy to cry and wet my pillows with your tears." Ellie answered and sat on the bed.

"Thank you for letting me sleep here. I don't want to be alone like what I experienced back home so I didn't take the room being offered to me the first time I arrived here." Trivia answered.

"I know. You're afraid of being alone." Ellie said. "I am sorry for what father did. I, too, was shocked by what had happened." Ellie said.

"El, he's a nice guy. He just told me that he is here to help his father. His father is old, and he wanted to replace him once he retires to help his siblings." Trivia mentioned slowly getting up and sitting.

"I know. I know. What Father did is unacceptable." Ellie said and hugged Trivia. Trivia continued crying and hugged Ellie back, feeling the warmth she needed at that moment.

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