Chapter 7

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Milly went inside Ellie's room to measure both girls' bodies and the details would be sent to the dressmaker who would be making the dresses for Ellie's birthday. Ellie will wear a yellow dress while Trivia will wear a blue dress.

"Do I need to wear a new dress, Milly? I haven't even worn the dress I wore on my last birthday again. Ellie asked.

"Of course, El. You need a new dress. You can't wear the same dress as your last birthday. Remember, this is the first time you will be meeting Sebastian." Trivia said, raising her two arms as Milly measured her waist.

"Alright! Alright. Madam Trivia." Ellie said sarcastically.

"You know, El. You must read the fashion magazines I brought with me from the city. You'll get to see what's trending nowadays." Trivia suggested.

"Okay. Done. Ellie, next." Milly said. Ellie stood up right away.

"I want you my cousin to be the most beautiful on that day. More than beautiful than me. Of course, I'll let it pass. It's your birthday. On my birthday, you need to be the 2nd most beautiful and the first should be me, huh?" Trivia said flipping the magazine she would copy the dresses from.

"Trivia! No one is more beautiful than me but you. All the young boys would turn their heads the moment you stick your head outside the window of the coach. And I know. I accept it." Ellie said as she raised her arms.

"But on that day, I must make sure all the heads of those people attending your birthday will turn just to get a glimpse of you and your beauty. And Sebastian will never put his eyes away from you." Trivia replied dancing, swaying her body inside the room.

"He will never blink?" Ellie laughed.

"He will never blink. Even his eyes get watery. He will never blink. I'll make sure." Trivia answered.

Milly released her biggest laugh. The thought of Sebastian, a handsome, dapper, aristocratic young man who will never blink the moment he sees Ellie is unfathomable. Both girls laughed as well.


Helen said goodbye to Mila in the lobby as she left work for home. She had a long day because Sir Thomas Lawrence was having a tantrum. He scolded everyone, criticized their work, and did not even finish some of the paintings which deadlines were fast approaching.

However, Helen understood what she got herself into. She understood that the old painter was having a rough day as well. The thought of not having a good visual condition anymore, with painful knees, could not even walk but needed to work because of those demanding aristocrats who would only request their paintings in their homes to be painted by the great Lawrence solely.

Suddenly, because she was preoccupied with the thought of the old painter, she dropped her baskets. She hurriedly picked up everything and forgot to pick up the small bag of paints. A man took the dropped item and followed her to her apartment.

When Helen was inside her apartment already, that's the time she noticed the paints were lost. She hurriedly went out of her apartment and was about to trace her footsteps when the man arrived holding the bag.

"You dropped this." The man said.

"Yes. That's my paint given from work." Helen answered with a relieved sigh.

The man approached her and returned the bag.

"Thank you so much," Helen said.

The man was about to leave when Helen spoke. "Wait! If you don't mind, do you want some coffee at this hour?" Helen asked. "That's the only thing I can offer for your kindness." She added.

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