Chapter I

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Four years ago

"Ellie! Ellie!"

Ellie was writing on her desk when a big bang was heard coming from her room's door. She can hear Trivia's voice super excited calling her name.

A big smile flashed from her mouth, and she hurriedly put aside the pen and the paper on her desk and went directly to the door.

Both shouted because they knew what was happening. "Who reaches last to the mailbox will not be going with Milly today!?!" Trivia said rushing outside the door and to the stairs. Ellie followed, complaining that Trivia was a cheater. The maids stopped at the side of the lobby making sure they wouldn't bump into the two girls running.

"You, two! What's happening?" Milly asked as she was carrying a tray with a pot and a cup.

"Sebastian sent a letter back, Mill!. He sent a letter back. " Ellie shouted trying to outrun Trivia.

Both passed by the wide hallway on the front lawn, passed by the big fountain going to the gate.

Trivia touched the mailbox first, took the white envelope from it, making faces to Eillie who stopped two meters from her, gasping. She blew it and teased Ellie about releasing it to the air.

"Don't you dare!" Ellie said with a serious face and suddenly laughed. "

Trivia walked to Ellie and gave her the envelope. "My cousin Ellie Gracy! You're so in love I can see it in your face. What does Lord Sebastian now have to say?"

Ellie smiled back and did not answer. She hugged the envelope tightly.

"Ell, I am excited. When is he going to propose?" She teased.

"Proposed? Why would he propose through a paper?" Ellie answered.

"Then ask when he is going to come here and propose in person?" Trivia rebutted.

"Trivia!" Ellie is shocked about Trivia's suggestion. There's no way she's going to ask Sebastian first.

"Alright! Just ask him when he's coming."

"He said in his last letter, it's going to be on my 18th birthday."

"Your birthday is in 2 months. He should get ready. Ask him if he's sure and ready his...... you're legal at that time" Trivia crossed his arms and squinted her eyes.

"What do you mean? Legal for what?" Ellie asked suspiciously.

Trivia laughed until Ellie got what she was talking about.

"Trivia!" Ellie's jaw dropped.

Trivia continued laughing.

"What? I just said you're legal. Aren't you excited for your first time?" Trivia teased.

"We're not yet married. Why would we do that?" Ellie answered.

Trivia rolled her eyes. "People don't wait for marriage now."

"Says who?" Ellie answered.

"Says me." Trivia answered.

Suddenly the carriage arrived signaling that Milly was going to the town. Mr. Andrew, the coachman smiled at the two girls and spotted Milly's envelope.

"That's a letter from your Sebastian, Ellie?" Mr. Andrew asked.

"Hello! Mr. Andrew. Yes. This is from Sebastian." Ellie answered excitedly.

"Ooh, I can see in your smile that you're so happy today.

Mrs. Milly arrived with her basket and rode the coach.

"Aren't you two going?" Mr. Andrew asked.

"I am only. Ellie needs to read her letter." Trivia answered. "Bye, Ell. I will see you in two hours and you must let me know what's written there. Remember what I told you." Trivia laughed again.

"Oh, so you two were having a track and field contest earlier and whoever loses will stay?" Milly asked.

"Hmm." Trivia nodded.

"Alright, let's go, Andrew," Milly said to Andrew.

"Triv, ask for my prediction. Please don't forget." Ellie shouted at the coach meters away. Trivia's one of her many activities when in town is to visit a tarot reader. She's so obsessed with knowing her future partner in life.

Ellie watched as the carriage left the gate. She held tightly onto the letter and went inside the house. As she was about to reach the landing part of the stairs, her father, Lord William, got out of his room.

"Ellie, piano lesson this six. Let Trivia know if she doesn't want to join the lesson then she better be in her room not disturbing you." He spoke.

"Yes, Papa!" Ellie answered. Every time she sees her father, she feels like the room is so small. She feels so controlled. She had always felt like an employee because she was treated the same way.

Her father passed through the landing where she was standing.

"By the way, the Miguels will be on your 18th birthday. Act like a lady for once." He said and left.

Ellie controlled her smile and went inside her room hurriedly. She threw herself on the bed and opened the letter.

My Dear Ellie,

Me, too. I cannot wait to see you. Finally, Father has confirmed that we are going to your 18th birthday. I cannot wait to hear your voice and to touch your hands. I am finishing a project with the Mayor here. Have you read the book I sent you last time? What do you think?

Ellie. I want to ask for your hands in marriage. My father will talk with your father to seal the deal. I hope you are ready for marriage as I am.

I love you so much. Wait for me.

Faithfully yours,


Tears were falling from Ellie's eyes as she closed the letter. Tears of joy. Finally, her knight in shining armor's going to rescue her from the lonely place. Finally, someone will give her the happiness she has longed for so many years.

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