Chapter 53: Colder than Mercy

Start from the beginning

You grabbed her arm again as she attempted to walk through the dining room door. "No, no, Cassandra, don't. I can lose you too." You pleaded with agonizing whines, struggling to hold her back.

She bared her teeth at you, barely inches from your face, while she spoke. "I need to find Ethan, so let me go, Y/N." Her glare was devastating as she fixed her gaze on yours, her brows furrowed, and nothing but hatred spread across her entire face.

You shook your head and refused to let go of her arm. "E.. Ethan? Cassandra, please don't leave! I am begging you, please." You pleaded, desperate tears flowing down your cheeks as she tried to shove you away.

She forcefully pushed you down to the floor. "He should have killed you too, if you are really that scared, Y/N!" she yelled furiously before turning into a swarm of flies, leaving you to cry in the empty, cold dining room. It felt as though your thumping heart sank to the ground upon hearing her harsh words. As you glanced at the double doors, a lingering anguish crawled up your chest, and tears streamed from your weeping eyes as you leaned against a chair.

As you brushed away your tears, you noticed a trail of blood that led to the door. With a confused frown you raised your head to look at the blood going to the main hall. And with a struggle, you supported yourself with the chair and stood up, approaching the long trail as you pushed the double door open. The blood was smeared across the marble white floor that led up the stairs.

With a concerned expression, you leaned against the wooden railing and followed the blood stains that were left on the long carpet. You looked over the wrecked hallway, an upsetting sight as you glimsped at the paintings and portraits that lined on each wall. A piece of golden cabinetry was ripped apart and scattered across the long corridor. Each candle was tossed aside, and the luxurious vintage wallpaper hung barely from the walls as you past by, following the blood drips to Alcina's office on the left side of the corridor. The door was slightly open, and with a gentle push, you were able to peek inside her office. Every book on the bookcases had been thrown to the floor, and a cold breeze blew through the broken window as the silky curtains swayed along with it. As you entered her empty office, everything was destroyed in tiny pieces. Every drawer on her wood desk was completely open, and tons of paper sheets were spilled across the wooden floor, covering the whole office.

But there was no sign of Alcina.

You dashed out of the office and paced down the main hall steps, eventually reaching the dining room and pushing open the patio entrance. The entire garden scenery was blanketed with freshly fallen white snow, which fell on every single flower planted in the courtyard. The sky was gloomy, and snowflakes fell on top of you as you made your way through the stinging cold. You walked through the deep snow to the other side and quickly into the Alcina's chambers. You swung the golden door open and sprinted up the stairs, following the golden white halls leading to her bedroom. A devasting sob poured over you as you carefully pushed the open door wider, your sight sweeping over her demolished chamber. Her golden vanity was shattered into small pieces when it had been smashed against the wall on your left.

As you approached the bed you both shared every night, you glanced at her cherished belongings, which were tossed on the entire carpet all around the floor. Despite the fact that everything else in the chamber had been scattered about, her silky white bed remained untouched.

You took a seat on the edge of the bed and brushed your palm on the soft covers. The castle was so silent as the people you had lost played on your mind that it was more devastating than you could have imagined. You hadn't felt so crushed since you lost your aunt years ago, it felt like history had repeated itself, leaving you all alone.

As you buried your distraught face in your hands, a faint cracking step on glass drew your attention to the windows behind you, as it suddenly flooded your ear. Your eyes widened as you glimpsed a strange figure pass quickly through the balcony just outside the windows. With a terrified voice, you rushed up from the bed, striking a broken glass piece on the floor as you stared terrifiedly at the large windows. You could have sworn to your life that you saw someone pass them just a second ago.

𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝: Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now