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"Seth, wake up," [Name] said softly as she shook him by the shoulders. Seth disoriented from his slumber, leaned back against [Name]'s body, his head resting on her lap. "You haven't eaten for days. I'm worried. Here, have this," [Name] told him, placing a bowl of food in his lap. Seth stared at the food but remained silent.

Horus, watching from nearby, stepped in, "Seth, it's not poisoned. Just open your mouth a little so I can feed you." Seth remained still, his eyes narrowed, not wanting to open his mouth.

"Don't be ridiculous, Seth," Horus said, irritated. "I can feed you, there's nothing to be worried about."

Seth shook his head violently, "You're both crazy!" he shouted. "I'm not some baby who needs to be fed." Despite his refusal, [Name] continued to try and persuade Seth to eat, but he continued to resist.

[Name] was feeling frustrated with Seth's refusal to eat and his lack of communication. She wanted to know why he was being so stubborn. She leaned in closer to his face and asked, "Seth, what do you want? Do you want my lips on yours then? to feed you?"

Her words seemed to have caught Seth off guard, as he flinched and blushed. His eyes widened for a moment before he looked away. But it was clear that her words had affected him.

"I-I... I don't know," Seth stammered, clearly struggling to come up with an answer. [Name] could see the conflict written all over his face as if he wanted to say something but was too ashamed to say it.

Horus, who had been observing the exchange from the sidelines, couldn't help but feel jealous.

Seth's face turned an even deeper shade of red at the mere thought of [Name] kissing him. Instead, he simply hesitated for a moment longer before slowly leaning in to touch his lips to [Name]'s.

[Name] was surprised at first but quickly gave in to the moment, her hands coming to rest on Seth's shoulders. The two held the kiss for what felt like an eternity, a silent declaration of their growing feelings for one another. As they pulled away, they sat there for a moment, relishing in the intimacy of the moment.

"Thank you," Seth said quietly, his voice filled with emotion. "I needed that." And with those words, the tension between the three of them was gone, replaced by a newfound admiration for one another.

[Name] could feel her heart beating faster and faster as Seth continued to stare at her, his eyes locked on hers. Her mind was racing as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. Why was Seth looking at her like that? And then it hit her. The realization that she had made a mistake. She had made a poor choice of words, something that she had not intended to do.

"I-... I meant to feed you, Seth." Her voice shook as she spoke. "Not... that." She couldn't bring herself to say the words, embarrassed beyond belief. Seth's face had grown redder than she had ever seen, and in that moment, she knew that he had misunderstood her intent.

Seth's face was still red, but he couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment. He had misinterpreted her words, and he regretted it. As he looked back at [Name], he could see the same embarrassment etched on her expression.

The event that had just occurred left both Seth and Horus in complete confusion as they watched [Name] suddenly exit the room. They had no idea why she had reacted in such a way, and their confusion was only amplified by the lack of an explanation. They both turned to look at each other, each hoping that the other might have some insight into the situation.

As they stared at each other, Ruelle stepped forward, breaking the tense silence that had descended upon the room. "That was her first kiss," he stated, his tone low and measured. "She's never experienced anything like that before, and it caught her off guard."

Seth and Horus turned to look at Ruelle, clearly stunned by his words. They couldn't fathom why [Name] had never experienced a kiss before, especially given her status as a goddess. But the more they thought about it, the more they realized that such an experience may not be as common for a goddess as they had once believed.

After a moment of silence, Seth spoke up. "I see," he said, his voice filled with understanding. "I never realized that she had never been kissed before."

Horus nodded in agreement, "It's quite unusual, don't you think? For a god as beautiful as she is, you would expect that she would have had such an experience." He paused, his voice lowering to a whisper. "But, perhaps, in its way, it is a testament to the purity of her heart."

Despite the unexpected revelation, the three of them were able to find solace in the knowledge that they had all witnessed a pivotal moment in [Name]'s life, one that would surely stay with her long after the events of that evening.


A/N: I'M ALIVE BUT I'M DEAD! I'M TIRED AND I WILL WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER ABOUT THIS TOMORROW! There's also gonna be a new story about the male readers!

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