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[Name], weary from the events of the day, removed her clothing, and her dove now turned human, Ruelle, stood by and closed his eyes, respecting her need for privacy.

She gingerly dipped her toes into the warm, scented water before immersing her entire body in its embrace. A sense of calm washed over her, as she sank further into the water, letting the tension and fatigue melt away like snow on a warm spring day.

As she settled into the water and closed her eyes, Ruelle spoke in a soft and soothing tone, "When is our departure, my grace?"

[Name], startled but grateful for the interruption, answered him, "Next month, for now, I wish to stay here for a while."

She settled back into the water, the warmth of the bath soothing her frayed nerves and calming her mind. And all around her, the sound of running water, the scent of exotic oils, and the feel of the warm, relaxing water on her skin. It was bliss.

[Name], having slipped into the bath, reached for a wet cloth and began to wash her body, carefully scrubbing herself down. As she did so, she spoke to her dove, "Oh, and don't forget to tell Tariq and Amhes about my arrival next month."

Ruelle nodded his head in acknowledgment, transformed back into a dove, and flew out the window, ready to carry out his task. Theirs was a familiar routine, one practiced time and time again. Ruelle would be her eyes and ears, relaying information both to and from her while she sought solace within the comfort of the baths.

[Name] found herself overcome with emotion, her heart heavy with the weight of the world. A single tear, golden in its color, escaped from her eye and landed in the warm water, its sparkle reflecting in the dimly lit room. She closed her eyes, the soft sounds of water moving around her like a gentle lullaby to her troubled mind. And as she relaxed, she remembered the one she cared for deeply—Seth.

"Dear Seth," [Name] murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please be safe from the dangers of the world. You may not be used to the hostility that surrounds you, but I implore you to find some people you can trust. You must surround yourself with those who have your best interests at heart, as I did..." Her words were filled with concern, her heart aching for the god who she had fallen in love with.

[Name] let out a deep sigh, and more golden tears escaped from her eyes, floating in the water around her. She couldn't bear to live in a world without him, and so she prayed for his safety and well-being.

✧༝┉˚*❋ ❋*˚┉༝✧

The sound of a woman's raised voice, shouting profanities at her daughter, echoed through the house, sending a chill down the spines of those nearby. "You useless brat!" the mother exclaimed, anger brimming in her voice. "If I had known you would turn out to be so useless, I should've sold you to the caravans!"

With those words, the woman threw pebbles at her daughter, who scrambled to cover herself with her bare limbs as her mother kicked her to the ground.

The daughter's sobs filled the room, as she sobbed out "Why, mother? What did I do to deserve such abuse?"

The mother, now seething with rage, began to rant about how her daughter was a disappointment, how she had failed to live up to the expectations that had been placed upon her. The mother's words became incoherent as tears streamed down her face, the pain and sorrow of the situation overwhelming her.

The scene was one of utter chaos and despair, as a mother and daughter, connected by blood, yet divided by hurt and pain, struggled to find a way forward.

Secret Dove [ENNEAD x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now