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In the late hours of the night, [Name] and Ruelle climbed to the upper portion of the ravine, where they took a rest from the treacherous desert terrain. Meanwhile, Seth, Horus, and the foreign god engaged in a private discussion on the ground below. Suddenly, the sounds of loud shouts penetrated the air.

[Name] and Ruelle turned their attention to the commotion, peering down at the site below. To their shock and horror, they witnessed Seth walking away from Horus and the foreign god and towards the barren deserts under the veil of a dark sky.


Seth, in a state of agitation, continued walking away from the group, clearly intent on braving the barren deserts alone. Horus attempted to prevent him from exiting the ravine and suggested that he wrap himself in the provided blanket, but Seth refused to heed his advice. He then continued on his solo expedition, raising his voice at Horus and [Name] as they followed him.

As Seth stormed away, the god produced a small scroll from his bag, which appeared to be a message written by a spy he had dispatched to Heliopolis. Horus immediately reached for the document, seeking insight into its contents, but Seth grabbed the scroll before he had the opportunity to take it.

Seth's eyes quickly scanned the contents of the scroll, his focus fixed on the written message. As he read, his expression grew more confounded and his hands shook. "Nephthys serving Isis at night?" he muttered under his breath, his thoughts racing with what he had just read.

The foreign god, who was at that moment being accosted by Horus with a fist raised high, turned his attention to Seth as he read the scroll. "WHAT?!" he shouted incredulously, his grip on Horus' fist tightening as he struggled to keep him at bay. Horus too peered at Seth, keen to provide a reasonable explanation for this unexpected development.

All the while, Ruelle stood in place, his cheek bearing a faint blush as he processed what was unfolding in front of him. [Name]'s face registered a similar expression of confusion, which could easily be observed by those present.

"Uncle, it is not what you think!" Horus exclaimed as he made his way towards Seth, his expression indicating the urgency of his intentions. Seth, after acknowledging Horus' proximity, handed [Name] the scroll, which he had just finished reading. [Name], eager to know the contents of the message, eagerly accepted the scroll from Seth and began to read it slowly and carefully, making sure to fully absorb each word.

[Name] then returned the scroll to Seth after she had finished reading it and proceeded to explain, "Oh, Seth. It's not what you think. Isis has trouble sleeping, so Nephthys is only using her calming power to help her sleep. They're also searching for medicine to help Khnum." [Name]'s soothing words appeared to soften Seth's resolve, and he nodded his head in understanding.

Horus chimed in, eager to further elaborate on the situation, "The thief stole the medicine, but my mother will find a way! Through her divination, she discovered that Anubis is still in Egypt."

The group gathered around Seth as he made an effort to arise, swaying unsteadily. "He's still in Egypt, I can feel it," he muttered under his breath, his eyes darting toward the direction of Heliopus as he fought to stay afloat.

The tension between Horus and Seth reached a boiling point, resulting in an argument that could be heard from a far-off distance. "I said, stop following me!" Seth screamed, his voice quivering with anger, "You're a hypocrite, how many more times do I have to tell you?! You act like you're so concerned, pretending to sympathize, but all you do is make fun of me!"

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