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[Name], the goddess of Dreams, was lost in thought when she suddenly opened her eyes to see Ra, the sun god, standing before her. Her brows furrowed at the unexpected sight, and she glared at Ra before letting out a sigh.

"You should stop with the habit of barging into my chambers and having a bath with me without my permission," she said, her voice laced with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. Ra, however, just grinned even wider, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"I'm the sun god! I'll do what I want, dearie~ Besides, you should be thankful that I save you from your mother," she replied with a shrug. [Name] sighed and frowned in annoyance, her expression turning pensive.

"You're right," she muttered, her voice almost inaudible. "Thanks... But that was thousands of years ago." Ra nodded her head and placed a hand on [Name]'s shoulder, her tone gentle and comforting.

"I know, dearie. But I'll always be here to protect you, no matter what," she said, her gaze tender and loving. [Name] closed her eyes, feeling a sense of warmth and safety wash over her as Ra's presence wrapped around her like a warm blanket.

"Ah!" Ra exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across her face. "You being annoyed is just so adorable! You're like Seth but a female version who never harms a single soul!" A deep, hearty laugh reverberates through the air, as Ra reaches out to try and kiss [Name], who quickly erects a barrier around herself, glaring at Ra.

Ra's grin only grows wider, as if she enjoys the fact that [Name] is unable to escape her advances. "A barrier! Still cute!" she exclaims. "You know, you should marry Seth!"

At the mention of Seth, the god of chaos, [Name]'s skin visibly heats up, her face turning red with embarrassment and anger. "Shut up!" she snaps, the anger in her voice obvious to anyone close enough to hear.


This month has been a period of sheer disorder, filled with unexpected and unsettling events. Khnum was suddenly afflicted with a mysterious ailment, rendering him incapacitated. Anubis has vanished without a trace, leaving his everyone in a state of confusion and panic. Seth has been accompanied by a caravan for an unknown purpose. Lastly, Isis, the goddess of healing and magic, had the precious medicines she had created stolen from her.

Despite the turmoil that surrounds her, [Name] cannot help but feel a sense of relief as she watches Ruelle, now in his dove form, as he prepares to return to his kingdom. With a deep sigh, she mounts her chariot and begins to leave, the weight of all that has transpired weighing heavily on her mind as she heads back to her kingdom to deal with the aftermath of all that has transpired.


Several hours elapsed before [Name] finally arrived at her kingdom, her journey taking her through numerous villages, temples, and other locations. As she traveled, she passed a deep Ravine, and with a sudden flash of recognition, she spotted a familiar mask entering the area.

Surprised at the unexpected sighting, [Name] paused her chariot and gazed backward in the direction of the Ravine. "Seth?" she whispered to herself, unsure if her eyes were deceiving her. She sat in tense silence for a moment before making a decisive decision, stopping her chariot and climbing onto the top of the Ravine using her teleportation powers.

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