17 🦇

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Alberu and the other 2 royal princes entered the banquet hall.


"Aren't there 4 royal princes?"

Cale asked because he still remembered the number of Royal family members even if he didn't remember their names.

"Your Highness Prince Zane is very young compared to the other princes, so being at a banquet like this must be unpleasant for him."

Cale nodded in understanding hearing that.

Cale knew that because Alberu sent a letter about the birth of his youngest brother at that time.

Zane Crossman is the younger brother of the second prince.

He that year was probably only a few years older than Naru.

'He will only be swept up in the political storm if he attends.'

Cale understood it well because he was also often in that situation when he was in the same room as Basen.

Even so, Cale knew that the youngest prince was close to Alberu.  That's because Zane is also a neglected son. After all, he was born too late.  He was too young so no one expected much from him.

Just like Alberu who currently has no supporters.

“Young master Taylor Stan enters the hall!”


Everyone was confused when the bodyguard said Taylor's name.

Cale glanced at Venion who didn't seem to care about that.

Taylor talked to Alberu along with Cage and ended up sitting next to Cale.


Taylor and Cage could feel the envious eyes of all the nobles in the banquet hall directed at them.

Previously, Cale's seat was far from other people, but now Cale was sitting close to the two uninvited guests.

Cale was the star of the banquet with his charming appearance.

"Long time no see, Taylor."

Cale smiled and handed Taylor the cake that was on the table.

"Long time no see, young master Cale."

Taylor reached out his hand to Cale.


Cale looked at the hand for a moment.

"If you also want to kiss my hand, then no need. Enough with Neo and Venion that do that."

Cale felt like he was being served like a young lady if everyone did that to him!


Taylor looked confused about that.

"Why should I do that? You're not a young lady..."

Eric, Gilbert, and Amiru were surprised to see Taylor who was not fascinated by Cale's beauty.

"Kahahahaha! Are you seducing all the men here, young master Cale!?"

Cage laughed out loud.

Cage also doesn't seem affected by Cale's beauty.

"Say that again, I will step on your feet with my heels."

Cale snorted in annoyance.

That only made Cage laugh harder.

After some time, Cale was also full from eating everything on the table, Eric finally told Cale to meet the crown prince together.

I'm, a child!?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें