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"What did you just say?"

Cale's voice was cold when he heard what Naru just said.

"I, I want Uncle Billos to look after On and Hong, the siblings in the slum area for me..."

Naru spoke in a low voice when he saw Cale who looked annoyed even though he didn't know why he was mad.

Due to the instincts of a child, Naru is afraid of someone being angry with him.

Cale, who saw that Naru was afraid, raised his hand to gently stroke Naru's head.

"Naru, why don't you just ask me for help?"

Cale knew Naru wanted to be friends with those two siblings.  So Cale had thought about taking the two siblings to his house and looking after them.

Just like how he brought this terrifying black-haired bastard with him.

But Naru tries to give those cute kids to Billos, someone he doesn't even know?

It's the same as...

"You want to cut the ties you have made with me?"

Cale was annoyed about that.  If the kids were with Billos, Naru would go to Billos' place more often instead of going to his place.

Naru gasped when he heard that.

"I just don't want to burden you any further... You already brought Choi Han Hyung with you..."

Naru looked guilty with his little child's face.

Cale stroked Naru's head gently when he heard that.

"I never thought you were burdening me. You brat, if you are, I already send you back with your bodyguard."

Cale let out a short sigh.  Yep.  Naru is still a child with innocent thoughts even though he is quite genius and mature for his age.

"I'll look after them for you if they want. So, you don't have to ask Billos to do that."

Cale really cannot be mad at Naru with his face like that.

Naru's eyes lit up hearing that.

'I don't need to spend my money on that!  He was the one who offered this opportunity!  So I don't have to think about it!'

Naru was happy because he didn't have to spend a lot of money to get Billos to look after the children.

However, from Cale's perspective, Naru was very touched by his words.

Billos sighed in relief that his shop wasn't destroyed remembering how Cale always destroyed something when he was upset.

Naru looked at Billos again.

"If that's the case, I can't say no! Uncle Billos, bring me some cake if you have any."

Naru, who felt happy, felt like eating sweet food.

Billos immediately moved to get the cake for Naru.  He didn't want to get involved with Cale who still looked annoyed with him.

Even though Billos did not do anything wrong.


Naru ate the cake with a happy face as his legs swayed happily when the sweet taste of the cake filled his mouth.

Cale smiled seeing that Naru still had the attitude of a child and was enjoying his tea again.

Choi Han just watched the two and quietly drank his tea too.


Cale felt like his legs were going numb, so he picked Naru, gave him to Choi Han, and straightened his legs.

I'm, a child!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora