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Ps: I changed Naru age's since I want him to be a more small child.




Kim Rok Soo opened his eyes and saw he was a ghost. He was not surprised to see himself who had died because of using his instant power.

He saw that everyone was fine, relieved.

However, he, somehow felt he couldn't leave.

Is he, still wanted to live?

Yes, life is the best.

But now, he was dead.

He wanted to meet Lee Soo Hyuk and the others who had left before him.

But in the end, he became a ghost who wandered around for 3 months without being able to do anything.

He, somehow, still, wanted to wish that he was still alive...

He hasn't achieved his dream of being a rich slacker!

But being a ghost really makes him very lonely.

No one talked to him and he cannot talk to anyone.


Suddenly, some light appears before him.

"Hey, instead of you wandering around, how about you get into my body?"

Kim Rok Soo heard a child's voice, and saw the image of a child's soul that was, broken?

"I also don't want to die either. How about we unite our souls?"

Kim Rok Soo doesn't care anymore. If there was a chance for him to finally live again and achieve his dream, why not?

Kim Rok Soo took the hand of the child's soul and it seemed to be crushed.




Kim Rok Soo's body jerked up from the bed as if he had fallen from a great height.

His forehead was sweating and he had irregular breathing.

After trying to calm his body which suddenly felt heavy, he was finally able to see the extremely luxurious bedroom.

However, Kim Rok Soo's eyes fell on the figure of a child in the mirror in the cupboard.

Gray-haired little boy with purple eyes...

'I became a child!?'


Kim Rok Soo's head ached in agony as his recording power seemed to play on its own when he saw a memory that wasn't his-

No, it becomes part of it. His soul, and that child's, merged with him.

But why?

Why does this kid have a broken soul? I don't think the disease that he had has a reason with why his soul was broken.

Kim Rok Soo is now sure he is Naru now. He and Naru's souls merged.

Naru slowly got off the bed and approached the mirror, then touched it.

He found it odd that he felt the boy's face as familiar as his even though it wasn't.

'Most likely this child's habits will be with me as well since we are one now.'

Maybe because Kim Rok Soo has more powerful and important memories, it's his mind that controls Naru's body.

Naru looked at himself in the mirror.

I'm, a child!?Where stories live. Discover now