Beginning of Us

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The morning breeze with the soft warmness of sun woke them up. They know they should go inside. But they both can't believe that this has happened. It's not that they are in each other arm for the first time but today feels different. Shubman looked at Ishan and Ishan was already looking at him. There was no stopping to the stupid smile that was forming across his own face. He didn't stop it, there was no point. He could just lean down,just until their lips brushed,a brief meeting of earth and air. He brought his hands up, feeling Ishan's pulse under his fingertips. It was fluttering uncontrollably, but it felt like that he has finally found the keys to his home, his Ishan.
        Shubman couldn't imagine waking up to anyone but Ishan. He couldn't imagine opening his eyes to see anything but that pocket dynamo. He didn't want to picture himself running his hand through anyone's else's hair. There was no one else,and there never would be. Ishan it was, Ishan was everything.
   After a couple of minutes, they managed to tug themselves out but not before kissing each other. They took shower together. While Shubman got ready fast for the breakfast, Ishan was taking his time. Shubman noticed that Ishan was trying so many shirts in order to hide his hickeys. Shubman noticed his discomfort. He went to Ishan and hugged him from behind and spoke why are you trying to hide it? Ishan was startled but he voiced out his concern. He asked Shubman...What will you say if members will ask about it? We were together, everyone knows it. Do you want to announce it ? Are you comfortable? Shubman cupped Ishan's face and that calmed Ishan down. Shubman made Ishan look into his eyes and spoke... Ish, I have known you before anyone else, you have no idea how much i have waited for you to be mine. There is nothing left to know about you and even if there is , I'm willing to learn it along the way. I don't want you to by secret anymore. I want to announce it to the world that you're mine but i'll respect it if you're not comfortable with it. I am there with you in all your decisions.
       Ishan's eyes were teary ,he hugged Shubman tightly and spoke ... Shub, I am afraid that people might judge us but i guess it doesn't matter as long as you're with me. I also don't want to suppress my feelings anymore, i want people to know that Shubman is Ishan's. I want to hold your hand and go on dates like other people do. So let's go out of here, holding hand with our hickeys on display and let the world know that We are in love.
        They kissed softly, lovingly before Ishan was pulling away far too soon for Shubman's liking. " I LOVE YOU" , Ishan whispered. And although Shubman heard it last night, it send a shiver down his spine. With a smile, he placed his hands on Ishan's hips, kissing him once more, deeply this time. His head was spinning by the time he pulled away. Don't you know ? Shubman murmured, leaning his forehead against Ishan's. Ishan tilted his head, a sparkle lighting up his eyes. " Don't you know much I LOVE YOU" ? Ishan threw his head back, laughing in that silent way of his and gripping Shubman's shirt tightly. Their eyes met again and Ishan leaned down ,placing his lips against Shubman's ear, I guess i do.
        They arrived at dining area with hands in hand. And when they reached at team table , everyone was looking at them with a known expression. They both said, Guys we have something to announce. Everyone in unison said, go ahead. We are dating, they said. Took you guys so long to figure it out, Members said. There was no judgement,there was no cross question, laughter erupted at the table. Shubman held his Ishan under the table and world just seemed perfect to them.

Hello Everyone, This is the end of this first story of mine. I know it's really short but i promise in future I'll come with longer stories. Please let me know in the comments if you liked the story. This will really boost my confidence. Thank you so much for reading. Stay blessed, Stay happy.
  Signing off for now. See you guys soon with same characters but different plot. 🥰🥰

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