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He stood there with one hand in his pocket and the other resting on the railing beside the stairs of the building. His back was turned towards me as he gazed off into the distance. My heart raced at the sudden sight of him. It's been months since I last met him, or even just saw him because that is the only way our interactions occur.

Despite wanting to speak, I couldn't muster the courage; my palms were sweaty, and anxiety consumed me. Summoning my resolve, I finally managed to say, "It's raining heavily. Doesn't seem like it'll let up anytime soon." He turned to look at me, his gaze fixed on my face, his brow furrowed.

"Yeah, it seems so," he replied with a nod.

"Which branch?" he asked me.

My heart sank as he asked, indicating he didn't know me or remember me.

"I'm Kavya Randhawa. You forgot me," I said.

He squinted his eyes and raised his left brow upon hearing my words.

"I know who you are. I'm just asking whether you got into your dream branch or not," he clarified.

I felt relieved and embarrassed by his words. I raised my eyes to meet his, which were fixed on me.

"I did," I replied slowly, "I got into my dream branch."

"Congratulations, then," he said, extending his hand for a handshake.

I placed my hand in his for the handshake. I could feel goosebumps and my heart beating wildly during this brief interaction of hands.

"Why did you choose to join the same university?" he asked.

"Because I was familiar with everything, and also my family lives here," I answered.

"And in Delhi?" he inquired further.

"Well, my parents live in Delhi, but my father's brother and his family stay here," I explained.

He still looked somewhat confused.

"I originally belong to Lucknow; I was born here but later moved to Delhi. So, the rest of my family lives here; it's just my parents who live in Delhi," I clarified.

"Okay," he responded.

Those are certainly not the sole reasons why I am here. He is a major factor, and another reason is the peace I find here. At least I don't have to endure my father's yelling or constant tears, which are commonplace at home in Delhi."

"So, you live at home," he asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes," I replied.

"Where do you reside?" I inquired.

"I live in an apartment here," he responded.

I nodded in understanding. It had only been a day, yet I had already gleaned much about him. Interacting with him was effortless, if only I had the courage. It's not that I'm timid, but I seem to be brave in the wrong situations—breaking college rules, challenging elders, and so forth.

"Why are you standing here alone?" I queried. "Are you waiting for someone?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"No," he said, shaking his head slightly with a smile.

"I need to get to the OT building for my friend, but the rain is making it difficult," he explained.

In a few minutes, the rain slowed and then stopped completely, and at that moment, his phone rang.

"Okay, I'll be there," he said into his phone before hanging up.

We exchanged a brief glance before he spoke again. "I have to leave now."

I nodded as a man from the OT entrance came out and waved towards us, particularly him. He waved back before saying, " Bye, I will see you later." and walking away.

As I pondered his last word—'later'—a delusional thought crossed my mind. Maybe he meant that we would meet again. My thoughts were interrupted by Manya's arrival, smiling gently at me.

"So, what was happening? I've been waiting for ten minutes for your conversation to conclude, but neither of you seemed willing to part," she said with a giggle.

"Shush," I replied.

"Want to get ice cream?" I offered.

"You don't need to ask me that," she responded eagerly.

"By the way, what did you two talk about?" she asked again.

"Not much, just general whereabouts," I replied.

"I don't see why you're grinning so much when talking about 'whereabouts'," she remarked, rolling her eyes.

"I couldn't contain my excitement, honestly," I explained. 

She smiled at me as we strolled toward an ice cream cart.

"Do you know the other guy with him?" she asked, piquing my curiosity.

I couldn't help but feel suspicious of her sudden interest in another guy. I raised my left eyebrow and glanced at her quizzically.

"I'm not just asking if you know him, but if you recognize him as well, since you know Shreyas from before. The guy with him is Rakshit, he is my senior," she explained.

Ah, yes, I have indeed seen him before at Amrit's place that day, I replied.

After purchasing our ice creams, we headed towards the college campus area, which was en route to the dormitory where Manya used to reside. As we walked, we engaged in our usual conversation.

As the conversation flowed, my driver called. I directed him to pick me up from the dormitory building. Upon his arrival, I bid farewell and left for home.

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