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Has anyone ever wondered why we have to suffer through certain turns, we never expected? The certain twist our life comes across with, which always leaves us in a hustle of befuddlement. No one knows, what our life is holding for us in the future, either it will be the reason for our ecstasy or the reason for our sourness tears. Our life is just a puzzle, no matter how much we will be pushing our efforts in solving it, we will end up at the square one again.

Until we find that one missing piece.

And for her that missing piece was him.

Not knowing what holds her future. What holds her present. What she has lost in past. He was right there, beside her to hold her hand, to give her company, to be her strength. Knowingly or unknowingly he has fallen for her so deep that he is ready to cross every limit which will cause a huddle in her life. He has always seen an innocent soul in her. The soul which can enlighten anyone's dimmed life. The spark of contentedness in her eyes can bring  one out of their grief. Her pure heart, her sweetness, her sensitive soul is all he wants to keep safe from the harsh and ugly world. He wants to create his own world with her. A world where there will be only him and his reason of smile. The world where no one, not even a single leaf could hurt her. The world where there will be everything she wants. The world of happiness and not sorrow. The urge to protect her was on peak in his inner self. He himself wasn't aware of that why....why this sudden urge has lightened up in him to keep her away from every evil eye? Why he want to see her achieve everything she wants without breaking down? In this world where everyone is selfish for their own greed, why he want to sacrifice everything for her?

Maybe because he didn't get the same opportunity to do so.

Maybe he finds his happiness in her.


Maybe he is in love with her?

In love?

With her?


“love...” the word escaped his mouth as he gazed at the picture in front of his eyes, displayed on his phone screen. His right thumb caressing her face in the picture and a small smile tugged on his lips. He blinked once and twice, closing his eyes for a moment he sucked a deep breath before exhaling it out and opened his eyes  only to see a new notification popping  on the notification bar. Sighing tiredly, he closed the gallery and slided in the whatsapp application to read the message from his brother.

Subash bhai:
Vansh her parents are here.
Come down soon.

Without replying he pushed off the covers and stood up hastily. Tossing his phone somewhere on the bed, he made his way towards the large walk in closet to get a shirt as he was already in his black pants. Shuffling through the hanging shirts his arm aimed for the one hanging at the last. A straight-collar solid black shirt. His favorite one. Favorite, because it was the first present she gave him on his last birthday in Mumbai. With a smile forming on his lips, he took out the shirt from the cupboard. Wearing and tugging it under his pants, he tugged the buttons and folded the cuffs till his arm-joint. Setting his hair and spraying the cologne on the required places, he stalked out of his room making sure everything he wants is with him.

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