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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"you really had a half day today? Or you took leave?" I asked him after panting because I just ran to reach him. Giving him the water bottle back and he kept it back in his bag's side pocket.

"Why I'll take leave just for you idiot I said already it was my half day today at the office due to some meetings and I'm still a new employee" he answered shrugging his shoulders.

He again came to pick me up from the college when I asked why came again he replied 'because I don't wanna waste my time we will go directly for shopping'

He is really the one who saves their time.

Looking up at the sky I sighed it's sunny today, the light blue sky along with those white fluffy clouds covering us like a blanket.

I looked at him back as he raised his eye brows asking what happened?

"Nothing let's go or else your so-called time will be wasted" I said shaking my head. Grabbing on my bag strips I moved ahead while he walked behind me at a slow pace.

Walking ahead I noticed an ice cream vander. Of course I'm not leaving ice cream at this point , no I'm not fond of ice cream but I wanna eat it right now. Halting at the place I looked behind turning my face and saw he was almost near me and not walking away.

"What happened? " He asked frowning at the thought of why I stopped walking.
Pressing my lips together I looked at him giving him my best innocent smile along with my puppy eyes.

"I wanna eat ice cream" I said pointing at that ice cream vander.

He looked towards the way then at me.
Shaking his head he held my hand by which I was pointing at the ice cream and pulled me along with him to the stall.

Thank god he didn't scold me for having ice cream.
Because he always do!

Coming near the stall we stopped and I pulled my hand out of his grip lightly walking towards that large menu card hanging at the pole of the stall
Eyeing the whole card my eyes stopped at my favorite chocolate and nuts flavor.

"Which one isha?" He asked from the other side.
Peeking out of that large menu card I smiled sheepshily and responded
"Chocolates and nuts flavor, 2 please"

But soon he gave me NO look.

I understood he won't let me have 2 ice creams.

I looked at him. I spoke nothing.
He looked at me more like glaring he spoke nothing.

Ok I accepted my defeat.

"Okay just one ice cream" I said sighing , a sad Pout forming on my face. I came to to his side standing beside him as he bought one chocolate ice cream and one vanilla flavor for himself.

Intertwined love حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن