Chapter 11 : Travelers from afar

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 In the heart of a desolate plain, a lone horse trod slowly, crossing the desert. The rider was nowhere to be found, although it was safe to assume that the he had long perished leaving the  white stallion to traverse the wilderness alone. A crimson stain that had tainted it's coat, dried under the heat of the scorching Sun. Something was hanging on it's back. It was a bloody mess of skin and hair, a severed head. It was a clean cut from a sharp object, since the innards were not visible and the skin around the cut did not curve. The head was dangling here and there as the horse kept going. They were both without owner, without purpose, riding off to an unknown destination. If one cleaned the blood and dirt that was on it and if the wind swept the dark hair covering those shut eyes, they would notice that it was not an ordinary looking face. It was the head of a beautiful young man. It would make one wonder, how did one like you end up in such a situation? 

A strange phenomenon occurred. Blood started dripping from the sliced neck of the head. How odd. It's eyes that had been shut the entire time were now wide open. A pair of golden irises staring out to the sky were almost visible behind the bloody dark hair. They looked around aimlessly for some time. Then the head disappeared. Now a young man, all naked, body and head attached, was standing a few meters ahead of the horse. It stopped before the strange man as if it had recognized it's owner. It was tired. He put his hand on it's head and caressed it gently. It was as if all the fatigue had left it's body. The animal became all giddy. He opened the small satchel that was attached to the back of the saddle and took out some clothes. When he was no longer naked he got on the horse and started riding to the opposite direction they were going before.

"Let us return, little one."

He had a gentle voice. The horse, as if it understood, started heading to where it was told.

Hours had passed but there was nothing in sight. He could only see desert. The scorching Sun was going to set in a few more hours so it was about to get cold. Beasts that were nocturnal were going to come out in search for food, so they had to find shelter before losing the light. He had no water and no other supplies. The horse needed to eat and rest as well. He looked around several times, until his eyes got fixed on something. His gaze fell upon shadows that were farther ahead of them. He noticed that they were steadily moving towards them. He patted the horse gently and it started trodding towards the shadows. As they got closer, the shadows were revealed to be humans that were riding camels. 

When they got close enough to face each other, they stopped. They were nomads. They greeted him first. 

 "Greetings traveler. Are you lost?" 

The other one said, "You and your horse seem exhausted. You should follow us to camp. I am Amir and he is Karam, my brother. " 

The man on the horse bowed his head and said, 

"I am Iliad, I am indebted to you for aiding me and my companion. " 

 The three men were now riding together to a safe place for the night. After an hour or so, they arrived at some ancient ruins that were glimmering while facing the setting Sun. Amir and Karam found the building that seemed sturdier and put the camels and the horse inside. They gave the horse food and water and then they went to look for another safe building. Iliad was following them closely in case they asked for help. After finding another building that looked secure, they went inside. They placed some wooden planks that they had found as a door to keep potential dangers outside.

Amir started fixing the bedding and Karam began cooking something for them to eat. Iliad was awkwardly standing in a corner without knowing what to do. Amir sensed his discomfort and tried to make conversation.

 "Sit down, you don't have to be nervous. In a little while, we are going to have more company. Our brothers and sisters are coming. You will hear a lot of stories and if you wish, you can share your own as well."

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