Chapter 5 : The Sky Realm

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The Sky realm was impossible for a human mind to comprehend. It's beauty and it's vastness could compare to nothing on earth. It was surrounded by a a darkness that was lit up by millions of tiny lights, blue, white and red. It was as dark as the night, but at the same time it was full of light, bright as the day. The land went as far as the eye could see, as if it was infinite. Nature was thriving in that mysterious place. The soil was covered with all kinds of colorful flowers and plants that they could not recognize. Their beauty was beyond exotic, they were magnificent, everything was. 

The forest that was surrounding them, was even more amazing. The trees were abnormally large and their color was pure white, like they were covered in snow. The animals that caught their eye, while they were looking around, left a similar impression. A few butterflies that passed by them, made their eyes sparkle. They had beautiful colors and patterns on their wings and they were big enough to lift a mouse. They also saw something that looked like a flock of birds flying from afar towards the forest. As they came closer they noticed that they were not birds, they were too big to be just birds and they looked like they were on fire. Many mysterious beasts that they could not even describe, passed by them. Everything was beautiful and magnificent. Even the air they breathed felt pure and heavenly. It truly was the land of gods, since everything was beyond human imagination.

The place where they had landed seemed to be a high hill, or a small mountain. They could see far away an enormous city, white and bright, shining like a pearl under the sun. It was too far away to be able to make out anything else, but it was obvious that that was the place were the gods lived and the one place they needed to avoid at all costs.

Lumius had told them, that near their landing spot, would be the place where Miriam was being kept. They searched through the forest for hours, while being cautious of their surroundings. They were growing anxious by the minute. Thankfully, they had the map that Lumius had drawn memorized, so after a while they found the place they had been looking for. A huge mansion was visible about a kilometer from where they were standing. It was a building style that they had never seen before. Such a beautiful and delicate design. It was like a fragile being that was of the highest class was living there. Finally he would get to meet him. They still had about nine days ahead of them, so time was not really a problem, but they could not waste any of it. Eris was repeating the same though in his head again and again.

"Will I be able to convince him to come with me?"

When the three men spotted the mansion they immediately headed towards it. 

They were told to beware of a lot of things when they reached their destination.

"First you have to be aware of the creatures that live there. They have unique senses that sometimes surpass those of the gods. You have to consider every possibility and every unfortunate thing that could occur. So no contact with any living creature as much as possible. Not even with the trees, as they are even more perceptive than the other creatures at times.
Second and most important of all, you have to avoid the Gods at all costs. They are easily distinguishable among all the others."

"There are others except the gods? 

"Yes, they are mostly like humans in appearance, but they are nothing like them. They are called "servants". They are blind and they do not possess any "life essence", in order to serve the gods without problems, so they do not pose a threat to you, do not worry."

"So what you were saying about the gods sir Lumius?"

"I was talking about their appearance, yes. They have a few unique characteristics, like their hair, their eyes and something we call the Mark, although it is not always visible so I do not know if it counts. Every single one of them has white platinum hair all over their bodies and an eye color unique for every God. For example I have golden eyes, it is rare but not as unique as other colors. My color is related to my "essence", which is related to the elements of my mark, which is called the "Setting Sun", something I do not possess any longer."

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