ch. 28 - dc pt. 5

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after a packed day of museums and memorials, which were all fun but tiring, shotaro didn't want anything more than to just collapse onto bed.

"taro!" wonbin ran to his boyfriend as they hopped off different buses, but to his surprise, shotaro slumped onto him. "woah. you okay?" the older boy just grumbled in response.

"he's had..quite the day." anton caught up to them, patting shotaro on the back. "take care of him, bin." he winked before running off.

"wonbin..." shotaro reached out to his boyfriend, who turned to him with kind eyes.
"i know you guys are leaving tomorrow, but i'm...i'm staying here."

the latter froze. "what? why?

tears surfaced from the japanese boy's tired eyes. "i-i'm debuting soon, bin. this was supposed to be my last school trip before i start training, and i just wanted to make the best of this really short trip with you, but i guess i failed." he started to sob into the younger boy's shoulder.

"taro, calm down. everything's okay." wonbin rubbed the said boy's back soothingly. "okay, one, i know you're debuting, jisung told me. two, you've already made this trip the best it can be. don't worry."

"spring break is gonna be hell without you." shotaro cried. "this isn't fair."

wonbin frowned, sitting up and digging into his bag. "here." he tossed the mint box to his boyfriend, laying down next to him. "read them."

shotaro scoffed. "i wrote these, bin. isn't that a little..embarrassing?" the said boy shook his head.

"read them to me."

the older boy's eyes widened. he smiled, petting wonbin's head. the latter relaxed into his touch. "aww, do you like head pets? that's so cute, bin."

"shut up." wonbin muttered. "read."

shotaro took a deep breath.

"you're the cutest person in the world."

"you are the best at everything you do."

"sometimes i want to hold you and never let you go."

"i am never complete without you."

"thank you for"

"i love you."

there was a long pause, silence so deafening (with eunseok's snoring) that it irritated shotaro. nevertheless, he maintained strong eye contact. "...bin? i-"

"shut up, shotaro, and let me just look at you."


wonbin scanned over shotaro's face, admiring his features.

"bin..." the older boy shyly smiled. "can i kiss your forehead?"

his boyfriend nodded. "it's our last night together for two weeks, after all."

can you tell i'm tired
the inspiration is not going well fam

mint box - wontaroWhere stories live. Discover now