ch.24 - best day of my life (not a dc chapter)

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god i need water. shotaro finished his coughing fit, standing up and accident stepping on anton's foot. "shoot, sorry."

he tiptoed over to the back of the plane, spotting a flight attendant. he opened his mouth to speak, until he saw two boys at the back of the plane.

"if he wasn't so sensitive about everything?!" wonbin emphasized, getting an understanding nod from sohee. "like what the fuck?"

realization hit shotaro like a truck. he clenched his teeth, sobs threatening to rip his throat to shreds. am i...too sensitive? does it annoy him?

he couldn't shake it anymore. ignoring his ask for water, shotaro walked back to his seat, head down in shame.

lucas and ricky attempted to grab his attention, but he just silenced them with a swat of his hand.

anton noticed the older boy's red face and dried tears. "hey, taro, everything alright?" the said boy nodded vigorously, clicking his seatbelt on and gazing out of the window.

that's when wonbin walked back to his seat.

"taro? you okay?" he patted the blonde boy's head gently. "need anything?"

shotaro pulled out his phone, hesitant to talk over the plane ambience. he started typing.

wonbin? i could never get over you.
every single one of my friends said that we would never happen, and i really tried. i tried so hard to get over you.

but i think you're gonna need to get over wonbin one day or another because if he isn't gonna change you aren't getting anywhere
but you do whatever i'm not trying to tell you how to live

if i don't get over him before summer i don't even have a choice anymore
so i'll make an effort

i said i'd get over you by summer. that's approaching way sooner than i thought it would.
and now suddenly you reciprocated my feelings.
i was so happy, bin. it was one of the best days of my life.
you should've told me sooner that you thought i was too sensitive, i could've made an effort to change.

lemme tell you smth.
before you i wasn't interested in romance at all.
i still am not really interested.
but you showed me that not every situationship needs to have excessive touching and kissing n bleh
it's all about genuinely loving and caring for the person and that's what i like about it, the care that goes into it, not just the physical factor + the fact that you literally ask if you can hug me and stuff. i really appreciate that.
yes i give like the worst advice but i still care about you
and i like you
and i
pretty much love you
oh boy that took a lot
but yknow i'm asexual so sex and stuff doesn't rly appeal to me, greyromantic so romanticism isn't exactly my thing either
but don't worry, i'm not going anywhere
you're probably the only person ill ever be like this with
that was me quoting sohee in like shock because he said you were too sensitive
we argued kinda
but it's okay now
you and i? we share a lot of interests and i think that also helps
strengthen our bond

really? you love me?

but yeah shotaro i was thinking abt it
and i think we can be boyfriends
just maybe our relationship rn can be less of like a huge romantic thing and more caring for each other
that doesn't mean i don't like you
i'm just saying we should take it one step at a time.

i like that
i promise you i will never push your boundaries. i love you too

shotaro made eye contact with his new boyfriend, holding out his arms. "hug?"

wonbin wrapped his arms around the ecstatic boy with a smile. "are you happy?"

"this is the best day of my life." the older boy grinned.

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