ch. 27 - dc pt. 4

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wonbin shook shotaro awake, singing his name. "ugh, what time is it?" the older boy's voice rasped, eyes blurry from adjusting to the morning light.

"taro, i got a high score in tom gold run!" the latter cheered victoriously, pumping his phone in the air.

"that's great, bin." shotaro rubbed his eyes. "where are we going today, again?" he weakly stood up and centered himself. the boy did not do well in mornings.

"national history museum. (to my friends reading this book, i'm skipping the capitol tour and basically that whole day.) you're in a different bus than us." wonbin fake cried. "it's fine though, let's just meet up when you're there."

"yeah." the blonde boy shrugged on his jacket, pocketing his portable charger. "i guess we have breakfast now."

"your phones weren't taken?!" xiaojun exclaimed in shock. shotaro shushed him.

"oh my god, shut up. anyway, how was the sleeping situation? chan, did you..."

"don't get any ideas! i slept with keeho. xiaojun just got a bed for himself while anton slept on the floor." sungchan stabbed a piece of bread. "they were playing dnd the entire time."

shotaro hummed. "we've got some time anyway. i'm gonna head back up to the room with wonbin."

"alright." sungchan nodded, and the two best friends proceeded to perform their handshake. "see you at the museum."

i'm in the animal exhibit with anton

ok im here
where are you guys

still in the animal section

me and xiaojun are here
why can't we see you


oh there you are

shotaro and sungchan did their handshake once more. "our tour guide was rambling on in the car." the younger boy rolled his eyes.

"yeah, and he wouldn't st—"

suddenly, karina and her friend ran towards xiaojun with grins on their faces.

"i'm interviewing everyone on the trip. what's your name?" karina asked. the boy leaned into the mic.


"what's your favorite color?"


"who's the hottest in the grade?"

xiaojun suggestively side eyed his roommate. "sungchan." the said boy facepalmed.

"thank you, who do you want us to interview next?" karina passed the mic to xiaojun once more.


"motherfu—" sungchan was interrupted by karina and giselle.

"what's your name?"

"i'm gonna let you deal with that." shotaro laughed, walking upstairs with anton.

frankly, the whole museum wasn't too eventful. once they finished their interviews, xiaojun and sungchan eventually caught up to shotaro and they toured the museum together.

it wasn't until when they were leaving that something happened.

"why are you always on your phone playing retrobowl? we're in a museum, at least enjoy what you're seeing." sungchan nudged keeho, eyebrows furrowed.

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