chapter 6 🤔mega plot twits.

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i checked their phone. to see their wallpaper as none other than DREAM. the ONE and ONLY DREAM. how can i compete against dream. who was blowing up their phone? it was DREAM THE dream. i use a diy hack to unlock its phone. it worked. it was dating dream this whole time. i thought it said she wasn't into gingers. whats going on. no. i need an explanation. but were not dating. i stop myself. there must be a good explanation for this right??? it likes me right it slept with me. it chose me to sleep with. that must've mean something to it . i text the group chat. sushis were out tonight. they all agree. they pull up to my mansion. i leave it there. i want nothing to do with it. or so i wished i wanted nothing to do with it. but the whole drive to the club the new club that i went with it. i couldn't stop thinking about it. and about that steamy night we had together. but now i felt the need to blow off steam after seeing dream there. THE dream. thats what the mask is. thats what the point of the mask is. all that they can ask it. i can never get myself off the mattress. but also i cant tell my sushi gang because they all know dreams hot stuff everybody in our neighborhood envies him. everybody knows that dreams THE shit everybody wants a piece of that. i should've known it would've wanted a piece of that too. we arrive at the club. all i want to do is cry. i can't believe what just happend i dont look like dream at all. whats the use. i cant compete. i go to the bar and order a drink. not apple juice. not two apple juices like i did last time for me and it. just a few beers. its on me i yell to my sushi gang. i thought i could be vulnerable with it. im drunk and wasted i go order a taxi. i order a hotel to stay at. since its still at my house. i look up pictures of dream and think to myself what's so good about dream i dont get the hype. im wayyy better than dream and all these other people want me it MUSTTT want me too right. or i hoped. i hoped it wanted me all this time. but never really thought what if it didn't like me. i never thought about that possibility. i didnt want to believe that was a possibility. it starts blowing up my phone asking me where im at. by the way its 5 AM??!! it texts me saying how they wished theyd woke up next to me and where im at this late. it also texted me sayinf they searched all over the house for me. they call me. i pick up. hello? i say it asks where im at. i say hotel. it says why. i say i saw your phone, and that wallpaper and those messages. it says its not what it looks like and explains in detail that its an ex. ahhh i think to myself. ill let it slide. it tells me to come back. i do. id do anything it tells me to. i love it too much to care about my self respect. we cuddled the whole time like two sushis that are stuck together and dont unstick. but ohhhhhh boyyyyyyy was i wronf about it. it lied to me. about something really important. HOW COULD I HAVE NOT REALIZED!?!??!???!!! HOW COULD I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS!?!?!?? GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION!! i beg it PLEASEEE TELL ME IT ISNT TRURE TELL ME DREAMS LYING THIS CANT BE TRUE.

super mega huge plot twist coming up!!
my hands r getting cramps helpp
they hurt sossss
guys send me $1,000 for my hands to fix them so i can keep writing this awesome story!
you wont regret giving me the moneh trust.
inspirational quote:
go out and feel the grass the grass is nice its good. the sun is good. the sun is nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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