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Azure's beating heart labored his breath, as he neared the corner of the wall. He felt someone grip his arm and he turned on his feet immediately, pointing his rifle at the stranger.

"Put that gun down." Lilac hissed.

"Why should I? You practically cheated on me," Azure drawled but lowered his gun. Pain flashed on Lilac's face.

"Azure I'm so-"

"This isn't the time Lilac," Lilac's mouth closed and her game face was back on. Azure spotted a dark-cloaked person creeping up on Agent Red and his instincts quickly kicked in. He shoved Lilac out of his way and rammed into the person, putting him into a chokehold and taking off his mask.

"I should've known" Azure growled. The stranger bared his teeth,

"Missed me Misstears?"

"Shut up Cobalt, who did you kill this time?"

"They wouldn't tell me where the Cryptomore was!" Cobalt frowned. Azure sighed and flipped over Cobalt, not releasing his grip a tiny bit, and handcuffed Cobalt. He heard Cobalt grunt but he paid no heed. Azure forced him up and motioned Lilac to follow him, ignoring the petrified look on her face. He glared at the black-haired girl, telling her he wasn't joking. Lilac sighed and followed Azure, but kept a great distance from Cobalt.

"I have a kid, Azure," Cobalt snapped.

"Who you don't care for and constantly abuse, I think Astros will be happy that you're gone for a while, and will be even happier if you come back in one piece. Cooperate and you won't be harmed," Azure scowled. He heard Cobalt chuckle,

"What are you going to do? Torture me for information?" Azure rolled his eyes,

"I'll leave that to the others, my responsibility is keeping you here from escaping,"

"You mean, putting me in a cell?" Azure clenched his jaw but said nothing. He wouldn't say that word, not after what went down in the Ancient Isle. They entered a doorway where there were stairs leading down into a thick, black darkness. It was an illusion to make the prisoners think that there was some sort of black blanket suffocating them. This was a torture enough if they ever wanted to see the day of light, but some people were insistent. Lilac handed Azure some goggles as she put them on herself. The goggles were supposed to a shield against the darkness that was generated by the Earth Creatures. They would never tell their secret onto how they did it, but it still worked nevertheless. The goggles allowed him to see the through the darkness, as Azure pushed Cobalt forward, making him stumble down the stairs.

"What monstrosity is this?" Cobalt squirmed under Azure's hold. But Azure wasn't lenient. The darkness was already working. Azure could see the c-. He could see the bars up ahead, so he shoved Cobalt into it and hooked a chain to his ankle. This chain was special, it stopped him from using his powers.

"Someone else will come and see you Cobalt. I wish things were different," Cobalt nervously looked around.

"I thought you were dead Azure, didn't the kings kill you?" Azure bitterly chuckled,

"They did something worse Cobalt, whatever's going to happen to you is considered being nice," Azure left Cobalt to drown in his own thoughts and said nothing to Lilac as they walked up the stairs, locking the door. Azure felt Lilac's petite hand take his own, but Azure shook it off. If Lilac thought he had forgotten about what had happened a day ago, she was poorly mistaken. Lilac abruptly stopped walking.

"You can't stay away from me forever Azure!"

"You promised me you'd wait Lilac, you promised!"

"Well, it's not my fault that the kings are stupid enough to punish my family for marrying a different species!"

'Don't turn this around Lilac, the kings placed a curse on my whole family too, you're not alone!"

"I couldn't disobey Agent Red!"

"Well, then why did he say we were a good couple then, huh?"

"I don't know!" Azure tore a hand through his hair.

"This always happens, why are we so insistent on us, when we can't even agree on something?"

"Because we're in love!"

"Your actions say something different," Azure gave Lilac a cold glance.

"Actions?! Fine, let my actions tell you something!" Lilac grabbed Azure's collar and smashed her lips into his, but Azure didn't hesitate to stop it. He kissed back with the same intensity, wrapping his arms around Lilac's waist, and pulling her closer. It had been too long. He felt Lilac's small hands lock around his neck and slide up to his hair, entangling it. Azure pulled away, slightly panting.

"I'm still mad at you, you know," Lilac grinned,

"We'll see," Lilac grabbed Azure's hand and started walking towards the rooms.

"Where are we going?" A sly smile spread across Lilac's beautiful face.

"To your room,"

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