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"Oh my gosh," Nola's head was spinning, she never actually knew who Astros was. She thought Astros was the perfect boy, but he was doing all of that to protect himself.

"Wait, it was on accident though," Nola looking at Astros. His face was eerily calm.

"Well, any kind of killing is punishable," Astros replied, his face still emotionless.

"I got so mad at my father that I was about to push him. Just as I was about to touch him, he stepped aside. I ended up pushing the guard behind him. The guard fell backward into the

nearby pool. His armor was too heavy, so he couldn't swim back out. He ended up drowning," His face had a grim expression.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in," Nola said. But, Nola could understand why he would even think to shove his dad. His dad was cruel to him.

"I'm so sorry Astros. But maybe people could understand what happened and you could be free of your father's abuse?" Astros' head snapped up.

"He's not abusing me!"

"Are you sure? Because he just grounded you for questioning him. He's also blackmailing you for his actions. All of that sums up verbal abuse,"

"I-i didn't know that," Astros confessed,

"I thought all parents were like that to their kids,"

"Oh, Astros, I'm so sorry," And Nola hugged him. Astros tensed up at first but then relaxed into the embrace.

"We should get back to class, but I will do everything in my power to make sure you're excused and that your father gets what he deserves," Nola gripped Astros' hand and they both walked back to their classroom. They couldn't tell anyone what happened to protect Astros, so Nola quickly told a lie about how a student saw a super big bug that belonged to the Ancient Isle and screamed. Everyone nodded in understanding, but a few people had frowns on their faces. Ms Sivvy continued with the class but kept giving cold glances at Nola. Capri smiled at Nola and motioned for her to come.

"So, what happened? Did you guys kiss? Did you guys decide to become a couple?" Nola rolled her eyes.

"Nothing happened, Capri," Capri just shrugged.

"You never know what might happen," The chimes started to twinkle again, signaling the end of class.

"Come on, we have a class with the Fire Tower now. We're doing power training," Capri just seemed so excited about her classes which didn't make any sense to Nola. Lexidrome seemed so hard for her, but then again. Nola was told she was the first Water Creature to create water at her age. She absentmindedly followed Capri to the Fire Tower, but Nola was thinking of everything that happened to her. She wasn't a human, she was a princess who was destined to rule the Water Creatures when her time came. She also had Azure to think about when he was supposed to be banished. Astros' dad was somehow evil and killed an innocent person. It dawned on Nola that Astros and her didn't even have a chance to see who was murdered. How could Nola become Queen of the Water Creatures if she couldn't even keep one creature safe? How many innocent lives were taken because of Cobalt?

They had finally arrived at the Fire Tower and it wasn't any different except it was orange and yellow. There was a hint of red in there too. Although it wasn't any different, the Fire Tower had an arena room where they had targets to shoot their fire at. Was that all Lexidrome was about? Practicing powers and training. Or was there more to this school than Nola thought? There was probably more to this universe than Nola could ever really know. Somehow, she was connected to a banished rebel and was connected to a King. If Azure's family was cursed, how come the King didn't get cursed? Was there an exception for him because he was willing to let it happen? Or was there something more to Azure's story? Nola still had so many questions piling up in her head, that it felt like it was ready to burst. But no one would answer her, she couldn't trust anyone. Not even her grandfather. But maybe she could trust Astros. Since he was the one who was with her when she met Azure. And he was the one who trusted her enough to tell her his secret.

"Be ready," Capri murmured, " We're going to practice fighting with them, but we're not allowed to drown them or anything. But I kind of wish I could drown Blane," amusement played on Nola's features,

"Why? Is he annoying?"

"Oh you have no idea," They both laughed when someone with a squeaky voice called out,

"Students! Can I have your attention?" A plump Fire Creature came in, his wild red hair sticking up in all directions. He was a funny sight.

"He's Mr. Flare, he's the funniest teacher ever. He's probably my favorite, even though he's not a Water Creature," Capri whispered. Evie smiled and turned back to Mr. Flare. Now to think of it, Nola doesn't have a last name in The Ancient Isle. On Earth her surname was Johnson, but she doesn't know what it would be here. Mr. Flare started to pair up a Fire Creature and and Water Creature, she was paired up with Blane. He smirked, and the battle began.


guys, if u see Evie somewhere in here when it's supposed to be Nola, it is a mistake because I've spent a lot of time thinking of a name for the character. My first one was Ruby, didn't really like it tho. Second one was Evie, which u see. That carried on but then I decided to change it because I just didn't feel the connection to the character like any author would. After thinking hard, I finally came up with Nola, as it's something unique and has a part contributing to India, my culture is Indian. So, i envision Nola as myself, making her personality like me, in my head, I'm always thinking of things, never in the present of moment which is kind of bad. But when bizarre things happens, I become more alert like Nola.

I hope this gives u guys some clarity!

Remember to be strong, be different, and be YOU!!!


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