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"This is amazing, you're the first person to be able to control water at your age!" Sky exclaimed.

"You need to meet the Air King immediately," the king said. What does the Air King have to do with this? Shouldn't I meet with the Water King, or technically my great-great-great-great-great grandfather? Nola didn't understand how this world works, so she probably would make no friends at all. She suddenly thought about what the bullies would do to her, mainly because these people had powers. They could use that as an advantage against her. But then again, she was the first person to control her powers so the 'bullies' couldn't do anything to her. And if they did, she could fight them using her power.

"Nola?" Sky said, snapping Nola out of her trance. Nola didn't say anything except to follow Kovidar and Sky out of the palace. They went outside the palace and let the white circle teleport them to the Air King's palace. The palace looked the same as the Fire King's though everything was white, even the guard's armor was white. Nola greeted the king and queen and tuned out everything they just said. Everything was so white. Soon enough, she finally reached the Water Palace. The Water Palace was the most different out of all of them, the entrance was a clear water-filled door and the walls were like aquariums. There were fish in the walls and Nola lingered a little longer to soak in the palace. Nola smirked at the thought, laughing at her inside joke. She was led to the throne room and blocked her eyes from the bright light flashing inside.

"There's my princess!" She heard a deep voice boom. Nola wasn't sure she was a princess, but her grandfather liked her. She felt herself blush and waved not trusting her voice.

"No need for formalities, come give your grandfather a hug!" The King exclaimed. He had the same shade of crystal eyes as her, and she could notice some similarities in both. The queen next to him had ice-blue eyes and chestnut-brown hair. The crowns on both heads were similar and blue topaz jewels encrusted into the silver crown. Nola reluctantly walked forward and hugged the King. He smelt like the sea, but Nola thought it was pretty obvious.

"Um, hi your majesties," Nola croaked. She cringed at how she sounded.

"Call us your grandparents dear, we're family after all," the queen replied. Nola quickly jumped back when the queen said, family. How could they say that she's their family when they placed a curse on hers? As far as she's concerned, these people aren't her family. The King looked at her with warmth and Nola looked away.

"Listen, Cerulean, we never meant to put a curse on your- our family. It pained me to do it, but if I didn't... my position as king would be stripped away. I always loved Azure as my own and when the other kingdoms decided to do this," His voice cracked and he looked away. A tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away and turned back to Nola,

"My name is Aero and my wife is Afina." He introduced the two of them. Nola didn't know what to say but noticed how deeply her grandfather regretted it. She decided to leave it- for now. They both got up from their thrones and motioned Nola to follow them. They walked up a spiraling staircase and opened a door to a huge room with a king-sized canopy bed. The walls were a pastel blue and the windows overlooked a beautiful view of the ocean. There was a huge wardrobe filled with many beautiful clothes hung neatly on the racks. In the wardrobe, there was a door leading to a huge bathroom. Nola gasped at the sight.

"This is your room, this palace is now your home, and you will be next in line to the throne." King Aero explained Nola's head whipped around,

"What do you mean next in line for the throne?"

"Well, the queen and I have tried to make our son interested in becoming King, but he wasn't, he abdicated the throne, my brother isn't responsible, Azure is sadly gone, his brother is away doing who knows what, so you're the only person left." The King explained.

"What about what I want? And about your grandson or granddaughter? And the three generations after that?"

"Nola, you don't get a choice, there are no other three generations, you're the only one left..." And on that note, they left her alone in her new room. Nola stood there speechless. Her whole life had been turned upside down and she was about to think of a plan to escape when a note slid under her door. She walked forward and picked it up,

If you want to know the truth,

Meet me where you will learn all about this world,

I'll see you at the front


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