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Azure's heart pounded as he ran from the Water guards who were chasing him. The guards were closing up the water-filled door to stop Azure from escaping. He tried to sprint as fast as he could, but the door banged in front of him. The guards chasing him were nearly gaining on him, and the guards who closed the door approached him. Each guard unsheathed their swords and brought out cuffs to restrain Azure.

"No! Please!" Azure begged. He was going to get dragged back into the horrible cell and be interrogated. He closed his eyes, bracing for impact, when a large air force circled, throwing the guards into the walls. Wind knocked against the palace's entrance and the entrance opened, practically begging Azure to come and escape. He took the chance, but to his despair, he found an army-taking formation. He expected the wind to do the same trick, but no help came. Instead, fire erupted, circling the army, and Azure ran for his life. He heard a finger click, and a blue ring spun him. He was teleported to Earth before the Water army could catch up. Azure found himself in a dark room, but he could figure out there was a person in front of him.

"You're lucky we saved you from the clutches of the Evil Kings," The man said, his voice booming in the room. Azure was about to argue that the Kings of The Ancient Isle weren't evil when someone else stepped beside the stranger.


Yeah.... another cliffhanger

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