Start from the beginning

[Name], witnessing the events unfold in front of her, felt a pang of sadness in her heart. Seth appeared oblivious to the distress he was causing, unaware of the consequences of his actions. [Name] wished for a way to help, to bridge the gap between Seth and Horus, but she had no clue where to start.

At this moment, Seth stood up and spoke in a quiet, reserved tone: "Go away...please." A small tear trickled down his cheek. Horus observed his uncle with a mixture of compassion and apprehension. He was torn between following Seth and respecting the distance that Seth seemed to desire. In the end, Horus chose to give his uncle space. He stated, "So you need time, then. I understand."

[Name] silently observed as this interaction played out. Seeing her uncle in such a vulnerable state, she felt an ache in her heart. She wanted to follow him, to reach out and offer her support, but she also realized the importance of allowing Seth the space he seemed to need.

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The foreign god opted to rest on the ground, his body leaning back against the sand as he gazed up at the clear night sky. He looked relaxed and content, but at the same time, there was something about him that seemed off, as if he were hiding something. [Name], unable to resist the temptation, sat down next to him and began playing with his hair in a relaxed manner. On the other hand, Horus was lying under a large boulder, his temper still flared up, due to their previous fight with the unknown god. Despite this, Ruelle appeared to be unfazed by the situation and was even seen smiling slightly at Horus' misery.

However, without warning, Horus abruptly rose out of the sand as if he had sensed something. He flew off in an unknown direction, leaving [Name], Ruelle, and the foreign god dumbfounded. They couldn't understand what had triggered Horus' sudden flight, nor could they fathom why he had left so abruptly without a word.


As Seth lay on the cold cement, his head swimming with confusion, he couldn't help but be struck by the irony of his situation. Here he was, a powerful god, lying helplessly on a hard surface with only Horus' feathers as his cushion. And yet, as a result of the previous night's exertion, he was suddenly facing a fever, something that was quite rare among the gods.

[Name], noticing Seth's confusion, quickly took action, placing a warm cloth on his forehead and imploring him not to speak. "You're currently having a fever," she explained, her voice brimming with concern. "And you should know better than to talk when your throat is in a bad shape."

Seth, still grappling with the absurdity of his predicament, managed to mutter, "A fever? Like a human? This is absurd." But despite the absurdity of it all, there was a hint of gratitude in his eyes as he was granted a rare moment of solitude with [Name].

Seth and [Name]'s intimate moment was interrupted as Horus entered the room with a bang, the sudden commotion startling Seth out of his reverie. Seth, frustrated by the interruption, glared at Horus before saying, "How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?!" He huffed, "Can't you see I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now?"

Horus' face fell as he realized that he had interrupted a private moment between Seth and [Name]. "I know I shouldn't have barged in like that," Horus apologized, hanging his head in shame, "I just thought we needed to talk about what happened last night."

Seth, still annoyed despite Horus' apology, turned his attention back to [Name], who looked at him with concern etched on her face. "Are you feeling any better?" [Name] asked softly, her hand gently caressing Seth's forehead.

Seth, realizing that he had been rude to both Horus and [Name], let out a deep sigh before replying, "Yes, I'm starting to feel a bit better now. But I'm still pretty tired." He leaned his head back into the comfort of [Name]'s hand. "Thank you for taking care of me," he added, his voice soft and sincere.


A/N: Yoo wassup, it's Eireen! I just wanted to apologize that I would post only ONE chapter per day on weekdays. Because ofc SCHOOL. Hope you guys understand!

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