Chapter Ten: Explanations and Agreements

Depuis le début

"Is my suit ready?" 

"Oh, yeah! It was done an hour ago." I rush behind my desk and undress the mannequin that the suit was occupying, "I made your tie slightly pink to match my dress. It's only slightly, I promise." 

"That is fine, Angel. I am sure even with that horrid color, the suit is exceptional."

"You can try it on back there," I point to where Tim changed before, "I am so glad I got your measurements at lunch or else it would have taken me much longer to make that thing." I hand him the suit and he walks over to the changing area. 

I walk over to my closet and pick out black strappy heels. The heels aren't too high, only two inches, I might be short, but I refuse to be that crazy to go over two-inch heels. Especially not with my clumsiness. 

"I'm gonna change really quick too Damian! Don't come out yet!" I holler. I quickly change into my dress and strap on the heels, "Okay, you can come out now." 

"You should consider checking your surroundings instead of hollering then stripping. I was already out. Thankfully, I covered my eyes and looked away before you continued." 

I blush slightly, "Well- It's my room. I shouldn't have to check around to see if some nosey little teenage boy was sneaking a glance." I point in his direction.

"As I said, I did not see more than a glance. Also, I am not a 'boy'." 

"Well, you aren't a man." I raise a brow.

"Says who?" 


"I disagree."

"Actually, Marinette is correct. Your brain doesn't reach that of a fully developed man until the age of twenty-five." Tikki, pops into the conversation, sitting on my shoulder like a parrot.

"Thank you, Tikki." I high fiver her with my finger, "The suit looks great! The pink brings out your eyes."

"No, it does not. I have been forced to wear pink before. It makes me look like an imbecile, but I will wear it. For you." He trails off, practically ending the sentence there., "It matches your dress, and you are the person I am taking. It would be strange to show up and not match. We are already mismatched with a gray suit and a black dress." He gives me a look that screams, 'you should have picked black and black and not two different colors'. The jerk. 

"Gray really does bring out your eyes, plus boring black suits will be seen everywhere in that place. Gray will just spice it up a bit." I wink at him.

He huffs, which may have been a laugh, "What else do you need to do in order to be fully ready?" 

"I just need to add some lip gloss, that's it. I'd only go full out for a much bigger event than a simple banquet. Especially one that Chloe will be at." Saying her name makes me catch a glimpse of her as Pinky Promise, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut. 

"I do not like Bourgeois either," He puts a hand on my shoulder, "She is just like the girls back in Gotham, they hear my name and try to use me to get close to my father."

"Yeah, she's also working with Cerise." His eyes go wide.

"Are you serious? Someone willingly wants that spoiled brat on her team?" 

I giggle, "Yeah, she's actually pretty useful surprisingly. She used to work on our side. When she wasn't acting like a spoiled brat, she made a pretty good teammate." I walk around the room in search of my regular purse and find it under tow stacks of unused cloth. I gesture for Tikki to hop in the bag. 


"Anyways, let me grab the gloss, then we can go drop off Alya's dress." I walk over to my makeup area, right by the changing area. My shoulder brushes his and we lock eyes. 

We stand like that for a couple of seconds before I open the drawer to the stand and grab what I need. I quickly move from that area then grab Alyas dress off the female mannequin. 

"Lets go." I open the door and walk down the latter, only slipping once. Damian follows behind me, freezing whenever I slip.  

We reach downstairs and I give my mama and papa a kiss on their cheeks, "Bye! I'll be home by 11:00!" I grab Damian's arm and rush out the door before my parents try to tease me. 


I know it's a common photo buttttt it's so freaking cute!!!!

I know it's a common photo buttttt it's so freaking cute!!!!

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