Chapter Eleven: Booknook

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The moment my eyes open, I stand up and begin to pace around the room. The darkness envelops everything, and I can barely see anything except for the remnants of a once-burning fire.

As I survey the surroundings, I reach for the crystal that I always keep with me. This crystal has the power to conceal my horns, wings, and tail from anyone who might catch me off-guard. Once I put on the disguise, I head towards the main room. Along the way, I encounter a colossal beam that blocks my path. It had fallen during the fire and now l mi stands as an unyielding obstacle. I stop for a moment, taking in the obstruction before me, knowing that I must act quickly to escape. I draw a circle in the air with my finger, and in an instant, thick vines sprout from the ground. With incredible strength, they wrap around the beam and lift it with ease, moving it out of my path. With a sense of relief, I continue on my way, grateful for the magical powers at my disposal.

As I step forward, I am met with the gaze of a police officer in his mid-to-late 40s, whose name tag reads 'Baxter'. "Officer Baxter," I remind myself before he speaks up. "Are you lost, little kid?" he asks. "Where are your parents?" I stare at him and respond quietly, "My parents are dead, and I'm not lost." The officer looks at me with pity, "Well, you seem to be about seven or eight years old. Let's go back to the police station so we can find someone to take care of you. You can't be here on your own, can you?" he says. "I've been just fine on my own so far," I mutter under my breath, low enough that Officer Baxter can't hear.

As the hours crawl by, I find myself sitting in a bleak, fluorescent-lit police station, surrounded by stern-looking officers who keep questioning me relentlessly. "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "Do you know your parents' names?" "Where are you from?" Their questions come like a never-ending barrage, leaving me feeling drained and disoriented.

Finally, a woman with a stern expression and a no-nonsense attitude walks up to me. "You'll be staying with Miss Burningham for a while," she says brusquely, before turning on her heel and striding away.

Miss Burningham, a kind-looking elderly woman, then appears and takes me to the orphanage, which we reach around 6 pm. The building is an old, imposing structure with peeling paint and a slightly gloomy air. Miss Burningham introduces me to a bubbly 9-year-old girl named Jade, who has bright blue eyes, brown hair, and perfectly cut bangs. "Jade, could you please show Voyd around?" she says kindly.

Jade is a bundle of energy, full of excitement and enthusiasm. Her boisterous greeting echoes through the empty halls as she welcomes me with open arms. However, her exuberance is quickly hushed by a blonde child in glasses, reminding her to use her indoor voice. Jade then turns to me with a softer voice, apologizing for her outburst and introducing herself.

As my guide, Jade leads me down a hallway and into a spacious room with several rows of neatly made beds, pointing out that it's the bedroom. We then make our way to the mess hall, a large and open space filled with wooden tables and chairs arranged in the center. The enticing smell of warm food coming from a long counter on the side makes my stomach grumble with hunger.

Next, Jade takes me to the library, a cozy room with shelves of books and comfortable armchairs. I can't help but feel a sense of calm washing over me as I look around, knowing that this will become my favourite room during my stay.

As we continue our tour of the orphanage, we enter the courtyard. Jade leads me through the tranquil courtyard, and I can't help but notice the gentle sound of the small fountain in the background. Its trickling water only adds to the serene atmosphere of the place. Soon, we arrive at a large room with stalls, each one featuring a porcelain toilet. "This is the restroom," Jade explains, "and down the hall is the shower room. You can put your stuff in a locker, and Ms. B will give you a key to your locker and a hygiene box tomorrow." I nod quietly, taking in all the information.

Jade then took me to the bedroom again. She guided me to the very end of the room and showed me a bed beside hers. A stuffed rabbit sat on it to mark her spot. I noticed that the bed at the other end of the room was unoccupied and had no blanket on it. "Don't worry," Jade reassured me, "I'll take you to Ms. B to get you a blanket." Grinning, she led me to get one, and I set up my bed while she played with the other kids outside.

As the night approached, I felt a sense of loneliness in this unknown place. I decided to go to the library to distract myself. I picked up a book randomly and returned to my room. The book titled 'Brothers Wittebane and the History of Gravesfield' caught my attention, and I found myself engrossed in its pages. The book recounted the fascinating history of witchcraft and magic in the town, drawing me deeper into its alluriAs I sat quietly in the dimly lit corner of the library, engrossed in an ancient book about the Brothers Wittebane, I found myself completely swept away by the tale. The book recounted the story of two young brothers, Philip and Caleb, who had been orphaned and arrived in the town of Gravesfeild in 1613. Despite their best efforts to fit in with the town and its peculiar ways, the boys found themselves caught up in the town's superstitious beliefs and rumours of witchcraft, which plagued the town. In time, they became known as witch hunters, tracking down and bringing to justice those accused of practicing magic.

However, their lives took an unexpected turn when they crossed paths with a real witch from another world, named Evelyn. The book described how the older brother, Caleb, was entranced by Evelyn's magic and visions of a strange and beautiful place. The two even had a secret code that allowed them to travel between worlds. Meanwhile, Philip, the younger brother, embarked on a perilous mission to save his brother and bring the witch to justice. However, both brothers disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only a trail of mystery and intrigue.

As I read those words, I couldn't help but gasp in amazement, my imagination running wild with the possibilities of what could have happened to the two brothers and the witch from another world.

Suddenly, I realized that I had lost track of time. The curfew had hit, and I had to stop reading and put the book back on the shelf. I was reluctant to leave, but I knew I had to retreat to my bed. As I lay down, I could still hear the faint sound of the fountain outside, which brought me a sense of comfort and belonging. I knew that the orphanage would be my home for the foreseeable future.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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