Chapter Ten: Moth To A Flame

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As I gradually opened my eyes, the sunlight gently caressed my face. With a sigh of relief, I reached out for the piece of paper that lay beside me. It was a meticulously crafted escape plan that I had been working on for three long years, and finally, the day had arrived. My heart was pounding with anticipation, and I couldn't wait to set my plan into motion. Today will be the day to remember as it signifies my long-awaited freedom from the bleak and oppressive prison cell that has held me captive for what feels like an eternity. Every moment has been a painstakingly slow and gruelling process of plotting and planning my escape, with the help of my newfound ally, Jacob. Despite our initial differences, Jacob and I both share a mutual hatred towards the man who calls himself Zak. The hours have felt like endless days, as we meticulously crafted our plan to break away from the suffocating grasp of Zak's control. But today, I can finally say that I am free from his clutches, and the weight of his tyranny has been lifted off my shoulders.

As I was devising my escape plan, a guard abruptly entered the room, catching me off guard. I quickly concealed my plan in my pocket, hoping he wouldn't notice. However, before I knew it, he hurled a plate of unidentifiable meat, possibly human flesh, in my direction. The stench emanating from the dish was nauseating, and I could feel my stomach churning in disgust. As I recoiled from the putrid smell, the guard barked at me, demanding that I eat it. I knew that I couldn't eat it, especially not right before my escape, in case I got sick. The guard stood there, glaring at me, waiting for me to make a decision. I examined the dish carefully, trying to muster up the courage to eat it. I reluctantly devoured the meat, despite the pungent aroma that filled my nose and made me feel uneasy.

he finally left me alone and I had time to break down my plan and strike  As I embark on this mission, the first step to be taken is to clear the area and ensure that everyone is safe. It's important to inform Jacob and his friends to evacuate the premises immediately to avoid any potential harm.

Moving on to the second step, I must depend on my fireproof scales on my wings to defend me from the flames.

My third step is more complicated. I must create a distraction to buy time - I'll do my best to keep the building burning for as long as possible. If they put out the fire too early, all my plans will go to waste. Keeping the fire alarms off is crucial for the success of this operation.

The fourth step involves keeping the alarms mute. I've had Jacob replace the good batteries with bad ones to ensure the alarms stay silent. To dispose of the full batteries discreetly, I can eat them. My strong digestive tract will assist me in this task.

Lastly, step five - light the matches. In order to execute this foolproof plan successfully, I MUST keep the matches intact. Each step is vital in achieving our objective, and precision is key in every move I make. I have full trust in this plan and I know I will succeed.

As the mission unfolded, adrenaline coursed through my veins. "Jacob!" I called over to my companion, his eyes locking with mine in anticipation. "Yes Voyd? What do you need?" he responded, his voice steady and determined. "I'm carrying out my plan. You and your friends need to stay on the other side of the building to evacuate!" I said hurriedly, urgency dripping from every word. I couldn't afford any missteps; the success of this operation hung by a thread. He nodded in understanding, swiftly signalling for his friends to follow him. STEP ONE COMPLETE.

With a deep breath, I unfurled my wings, their iridescent surface gleaming in the moonlight. As my transformation took hold, feather by feather, I ensured they could envelop me completely, providing both camouflage and protection. STEP TWO COMPLETE. The countdown to the pivotal moment began, and I steeled myself for what lay ahead, my heart pounding in sync with the gravity of the task at hand.

Now, for distraction I must make the camera away from me, I fly up and rotate it away, done! Step three complete

Mr. X's POV:

I furrowed my brows in annoyance as I watched Voyd rotate the camera unnecessarily. 'What is she doing?' I muttered under my breath, frustration creeping in. 'She shouldn't move that,' I thought to myself, a tinge of concern present in my voice. "Turn on the alarms just in case," I said hastily to a guard , trying to stay composed despite my rising suspicion. 'She really thinks she's slick,' I scoffed quietly, a sense of betrayal lingering in the air. 'I know what you're doing, dragonet,' I whispered sternly, determined to uncover the truth behind Voyd's actions.

voyd's POV: "Where are they?!?" I groan, digging in my bag for the charged batteries. "AH HAH!" I pull them out and eat them; step four complete. Now for the matches. As my fingers dig through the depths of my pockets, they brush against a small, rectangular object that I immediately recognize as a matchbox. Despite its unremarkable appearance and the dim light surrounding me, I feel a glimmer of hope ignite within me. The mere presence of those matchsticks nestled within the box fills me with a newfound sense of determination to carry out my escape plan. I know that once I set my plan in motion, Zak will become nothing more than a distant memory, never to bother me again. With a sense of trepidation, I cautiously strike a match, the small flame casting a flickering glow in the dark. As the fire takes hold, I toss the match to the ground, and retreat behind the safety of my wings, bracing for the chaos to follow. Gradually, the flames begin to grow, their crackling roar filling the air as they climb higher. Despite myself, I cannot help but worry about the safety of my scales, as the inferno threatens to engulf me. Suddenly, the sound of blaring alarms shatters the silence, echoing through the halls as a swarm of guards rushes past, alerted by the commotion. As I watch them go, a sense of both fear and hope fills me, wondering what will become of me in the midst of this fiery chaos. step five... complete? As I sat there in front of the crackling fire, I gradually felt my eyelids getting heavier. The warmth emanating from the flames was soothing, and I found myself getting lost in their mesmerizing dance. As time passed, my breathing became more rhythmic, and I could feel my body relaxing. Before I knew it, I was drifting off into a peaceful slumber while the fire continued to burn brightly beside me.

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