Chapter Two: Humans

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As I slowly regain consciousness, my senses come alive, and I become acutely aware of my bleak surroundings. The dim light filtering through the small barred window casts eerie shadows on the rough stone walls of the cell. The air is heavy with the unmistakable stench of dampness and mold, assaulting my nostrils with each breath. The silence that envelops the cell is deafening, amplifying the sense of isolation and despair that washes over me. I am alone in this dark and gloomy place, trapped in a seemingly endless abyss of hopelessness.

The silence in the cell is occasionally broken by the distant echo of footsteps, a haunting reminder of the presence of others in this desolate place. I can't help but wonder if there are others like me, trapped in their own cells, or if I am the sole prisoner in this forsaken dungeon. The uncertainty gnaws at my heart, intensifying the feeling of loneliness that permeates the air.

Suddenly, the heavy iron door creaks open, and a guard approaches, carrying a plate of cold, raw meat. The sight and smell of the unappetizing meal make my stomach churn, but hunger overrides any aversion. I devour the meager sustenance hungrily, acutely aware of my dependence on these captors for survival. Each bite serves as a bitter reminder of my entrapment, fueling my determination to break free from this wretched place.

Days turn into weeks, and the monotony of my existence in the cell becomes unbearable. I spend my time pacing back and forth, the sound of my footsteps echoing off the cold stone floor. My mind is consumed with thoughts of escape, as I meticulously examine every nook and cranny, searching for any weakness or opportunity that could lead to my freedom. The walls seem impenetrable, the bars unyielding, but I refuse to succumb to despair. I cling to the flickering flame of hope, determined to find a way out of this prison.

In the midst of my restless pacing, Zak, the sadistic overseer of this hellish place, approaches with a smirk on his face. "I really hope you're not trying to escape," he taunts, his voice dripping with malice.

I scoff, crossing my arms defiantly. "I don't see why it matters," I retort, my voice laced with defiance. "What are you gonna do about it anyway?"

Zak's expression shifts from amusement to annoyance as he takes a step closer, his presence looming over me. "Little Dragon, you are making a big mistake," he warns, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

My temper flares up in response to his threat. "You're a mistake!" I shout angrily, my words reverberating through the empty room, a defiant declaration of my refusal to be broken.

"That's it!" Zak's anger boils over, and he unlocks the cell door with a jingle of keys. He grabs me forcefully by the wrists, his grip tight and painful. "I've warned you time and time again! If you don't behave, I'll make you!" he shouts, his rage-filled voice.

He drags me through the dimly lit hallway, my feet stumbling against the cold, hard floor. As we turn a corner, he opens a door, revealing a room that I suspect to be his own. With a forceful shove, he throws me to the ground, causing me to wince in pain as my body collides with the unforgiving surface. Before leaving the room, he delivers a final kick, intensifying the agony that courses through me.

As Zak exits the room, a mix of pain and determination washes over me. I refuse to let his cruelty break my spirit. With gritted teeth and a steely resolve, I push myself up from the floor, determined to rise above the torment and find a way to escape this prison of darkness.

Zak comes back with a smirk on his face and handcuffs in his hands, he pushes me back down and locks the door



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