Chapter Nine: He who loves is blinded by loss

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Journal Tuesday, June 12, 2002

The sound of a knock on the door roused me from my sleep. I groggily got out of bed and made my way to the front door. As I opened it slowly, I was surprised to find a small dragon egg sitting on my doorstep. A note was attached to it, which read, "No, no, no! Please tell me she didn't leave already. We were planning to go together!" I felt a wave of stress wash over me as I picked up the egg and the note, and brought them into my living room. I cradled the egg in my arms and carefully read the note, trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Ash, My love

my grandfather has found out about our daughters, we cannot meet anymore as he will discover us and stop us from seeing each other forever, as clan rules a female dragon cannot keep more than one egg per litter so I left you with Voyd, do not fret I will keep Katelynn safe after she hatches, and I trust you will do the same for Voyd, her bright pink egg signifies she will be gentle and soft and grandfather says katelynn's black fierce egg will provide a fierce queen to take my place when I die as I will take grandfathers when he dies

with cautious love, Celeste"

As I read the note repeatedly, confusion and bewilderment took over me. I couldn't comprehend why she entrusted me with the care of her child. The words on the paper seemed to lose their meaning with every read, and I was left with a sense of unease and uncertainty, As I struggled to comprehend the convoluted explanation given by Celeste, a faint rustling sound from behind caught my attention. I abruptly spun around to trace the source of the noise and was taken aback to witness Voyd, my newborn daughter, start to emerge from her egg. With her big, curious eyes, she gazed at me and I was overwhelmed with emotion as I realized that I was now a father. It felt like I had just met Celeste yesterday, but now she was gone, and I had this little life to take care of.

As Voyd tumbled out of her egg and stumbled to her feet, a small coo came from her little lips. I couldn't believe how fast she was learning things, and I wondered if dragons usually walked that early. She started to walk up to me, and I could feel my heart swelling with pride and love.

"P-paba?" she said with a big smile, revealing her tiny teeth. I was surprised to see that dragons grew teeth in the egg, but it was a pleasant surprise. I carefully cleaned the egg mucus off her in a tub and gave her some of my old clothes from when I was an infant. As I watched her take her first steps and explore the world around her, I knew that my life was forever changed,

Bye journal

Journal, Wednesday, June 15, 2005

As a devoted parent to my three-year-old daughter named Voyd, I have been noticing that the task of raising her is becoming increasingly challenging with each passing day. Despite the difficulties, I am committed to being a responsible and loving parent, and I pledge to never abandon my child. My top priority is to provide Voyd with the best possible upbringing, and I am willing to do everything within my power to ensure that she grows up to be a happy and successful individual.

As the days continue to progress, I have been relying on the support of my dear friend and coven head in training, Darius. He has been helping me with babysitting Voyd, providing her with the care and attention that she deserves, and helping me through my fears and concerns. I am grateful for his support.

Voyd, on the other hand, has been discovering new abilities and gaining control of her wings. It's truly impressive to watch her learn and grow, but at the same time, I also feel a sense of fear and sadness. I fear that she may eventually leave me, just like Celeste did. For now, all I can do is wait and continue to provide Voyd with all the love and support that she needs as a parent.

End of journal.

journal Tuesday, June 12, 2008

As I meticulously sifted through the clutter in my room, my eyes came across a peculiar piece of paper that seemed completely out of place. As I picked it up, I realized that it contained highly sensitive information that could have severe implications if it fell into the wrong hands. Upon closer examination of the paper, I discovered that it belonged to Emperor Belos's planning documents, and it contained details of a sinister spell that was designed to drain the magical essence out of witches, leaving them lifeless and powerless. However, what was even more concerning was that the paper also included a meticulously crafted map that showed precisely how the spell was connected to the mysterious sigils that had been appearing everywhere. The implications of this information were colossal, and it was evident that Emperor Belos would stop at nothing to keep this secret. Unfortunately, Belos's cruel attack wasn't in my nature, so I had to come up with a plan to interrogate him tonight. I was almost absolutely sure that I could convince him that what he was doing was wrong and to shut down the draining spell. The stakes were high, and I had to make sure that I was fully prepared for what was to come.

End Of Journal

Voyd Pov:

As I gently closed my father's journal, a feeling of unease crept up on me and settled in my stomach. His words were a stark reminder that the draining spell was not to be taken lightly. If I was to break free from its effects and escape this prison, I needed to act quickly and find a way out. I pulled out the matches from my pocket and began to meticulously plan my next move. The small clock in my pocket ticked away as I poured over every detail, determined to ensure that my plan would work. I resolved to wait patiently until the time was right, no matter how long it took, to achieve my freedom.

As I was meticulously plotting my escape plan, the lights suddenly flickered off, plunging the prison cell into an eerie darkness. A gruff voice boomed through the cell block, shouting, "LIGHTS OUT BRATS!" It was Warden Blake, the authoritarian figure I couldn't stand. Despite my frustration, I reluctantly conceded to the rules and climbed into my bunk. I laid down on the hard, lumpy mattress and closed my eyes, hoping to drift off to sleep despite the cold, sterile environment.

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