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Chapter 23.

Not a Filler

When we all met up everyone told me and showed me the evidence they had gathered and we spoke up about how things would go in court. Mr Brooks assisted us guiding us through the basics of court and helping us come up with a generalized idea of how things wold go down. He also told us what evidence would and would not hold up in the face of court. 

In the end we had a solid plan and he told us he was 99.9 percent sure I would not be going to prison. That one percent did frighten me but the reassurance was still helpful with my nerves. Although Zane had nothing to add but my break down he stayed as emotional support throughout the entire situation.

I would be released in a few days and my doctor recommended I stay with someone for awhile and of course Zane, the sweet man he is volunteered. Mavis and Quin did as well but I didn't want to intrude on their family or stress Mavis out with any of my problems. She was after all going to pop out a baby very soon.

I know I could've continued to stay with Pops but I was worried after his heart attack. I feel guilty. If I had just broken up with Alex a long time ago we wouldn't even be going through this...

"What's going on in you're head girl?"
Did I mention I met Yonnie? She's a fucking fire ball!

I shrugged looking at her leaning on the door frame. "Everything." She nodded at my response then made her way over to a chair across my bed.

"Could I give you my opinion on something?"


"I don't think you should move in with my brother at this moment- Now hear me out. Im sure you don't want to bother your Pops but considering you haven't even told him it's gotta be more than that, right?" She paused s beat, the silence felt long.
"I'm not one to pry most of the time. But...he needs you right now. And he needs you where he knows you safe. Is my brother safe? Yeah. But does he know that?"

"Well...No but...I've already been burdening him. Shit I caused him to have a freaking heart attack!"

"No you didn't." She said simply. "But that's something you'll have to talk with him about." She mumbled. "Just think about it, alright?" She got up and left quickly.

I opened my mouth to ask what she meant.

How could she leave me with this new anxiety? What did cause Pops heart attack? What was she pushing for?

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Fuck.."


So these are not fillers. I know their short but  I'm just...edging y'all along kekekekkeekke

Jkjk sorta it just feels like these are good places to end the chapters. I do want them to be longer but there's not a reason to do that for.

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