5.) Clay

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HI GUYS! I'm so glad I could get this out today, I'm very excited about the POV swapping.



If anyone in this ever-torturous world could say they knew fear, it was Clay. Maybe he was a monster, maybe he didn't even have a birthday because he was designed and not born, but that didn't mean he felt nothing.   

He felt plenty, more than anyone else would ever know; except maybe Linus.

Linus was Clay's tether to reality, his leash that kept him from losing his shit and just killing Carson because he was pissed at the president. He was also Clay's roommate, sharing a high-end apartment with each other in the West end of the city, appropriately called "Westside" among higher-ups. 

After all, the city of Eastwalden was huge, almost taking up half the nation's land. That had to be separated somehow. 

Either way, that's where Clay was now, letting his mind wander as he did what was ironically probably the least monstrous thing he could right now, as in making dinner. 

He could be out hunting down the little fucking worms they called the previous president and vice president.

He could be out looking for himself on where the fuck the only threat to him is.

He should be hunting down the little crow hybrid who inadvertently caused three-quarters of his life's problems.

But was he? No. He was sitting here making fucking spaghetti because Linus is a spoiled brat who gets tired and hungry after five seconds of physical activity. 

Speaking of the fox, Clay could spot him in the corner of his eye, sitting in the living room on the couch with what he assumed was Linus' Nintendo Switch, as he kept cursing just loud enough for Clay to catch.

"Linus, is it truly necessary to say that many foul words in a simple game of Mariokart?" he asked over his shoulder, smirking as he heard Linus pause and then he saw a flicker of movement as he sat up.

"That's big talk for the guy who couldn't stop spewing curse words because he lost a child." Linus teased back.

Clay paused, glaring at him. "I am making dinner. If you don't want me to put cheese on yours, you'll hush."

Linus gasped dramatically. "You wouldn't! You know I don't like cheese!" he whined, his ears flopping down.

Clay tsked. "Damn, I guess you really want a huge handful of cheese on there 'cuz you still won't shut your mouth."

Linus opened his mouth to argue, paused for a moment, then shut it again, glaring pointedly at Clay. 

Clay waited about a minute before grinning. "Huh, it's so quiet. Who knew cheese was such an effective threat?"

Linus huffed, turning to go back to his game. It wasn't long before Clay was just waiting for pasta to cook, so he came and sat on the couch with him. "Gimme your phone," he demanded playfully, giving Linus an innocent smile before the shorter rolled his eyes, tossing the device at him.

Clay caught it and unlocked it, scrolling through news apps. Any technology of Clay's was easily reachable and monitored by Carson, so he preferred to look at stuff on Linus', especially after he'd tried to on his once and Carson had chewed his ear off for involving himself in things that didn't involve him. 

Which was absolute bullshit, by the way. He was the vice president or whatever the public thought, he should know what's happening. He was really more of a bodyguard or hitman for Carson, not a partner, but he didn't mind. He was the monster after all. If the public had to think something for Carson to stay in office, he'd play that role. 

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