Regret? Never! {Ft. Kim Namjoon}

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Author's Pov:
Kim Namjoon, a typical sweet husband of you for three years. A lovely, handsome, intelligent, sexy, in short, the perfect idol type and a husband material for every girl. The marriage between you is a love marriage they say but you both knew it was a weird marriage. He was your secretary, and you directly propose him for marriage thinking that he would be perfect for you and your family not caring about the thing you have no feelings for him.

But Namjoon being in love with you since the day he saw you, he happily accepted the proposal. People in the office judged him but, he never takes anything into his heart, he was too matured for his age. But still he was hurt somewhere but he shrugged off. You were cold to him even after the marriage, because you love him but never express it directly or may be because of the situation you have grown up, a perfect, silent and the typical orthodox family who follows the rules and regulations, the strict environment never thought you what love and care is? How to express it and to understand it? But Namjoon being an understanding one, he never stopped expressing his love to you. 

The curtains opened and the sunlight was on your face in the bright summer. You were drunk the last night in the party. You opened your eyes as the sunlight disturbed the sleep, you saw a beautiful creature setting the curtains of your rooms window. If any other girl was in your place, she would have jumped on him showering the morning kisses as it was all girls dream to be woken up by their husband every day. You didn't realize that how lucky you are? This was your daily mornings having woken up by your husband, have his homemade food and getting his care and scoldings for your carelessness of workaholic.

"Y/N iee, Wake up. You have two hours to go." He said while creasing your cheeks. You are waiting for the morning kiss he would do everyday. He chuckled knowing you and kissed your cheeks. "Wake up come on" he whispered against your ears which made your heart to skip a beat. It has been 5 years you met him, still has the same effect on you.

You sat up pretending just you woke up by rubbing your eyes. "Good morning" he said. You nodded at him mumbling "Morning".

"Breakfast will be ready, come fast" he said, and you just realized he already got ready for the work, of course he is still your secretary, despite all the insults he faces for marrying a rich woman he never takes into his heart and never stopped loving you. The people said he was never a perfect man for you, even your family was against it, but you chose him over your family. 

You came to the dining area after getting ready for the day. He was arranging the table by then. You sat on the chair and waited for him to sit beside you. He sat and you both started eating.
"What is my schedule, Namjoon shi" You asked while eating. 

"We will be having meeting with Watson & Co's CEO regarding the new mall construction. In afternoon, the donation approval meeting and our family dinner." He said while saying the last part in a complete low voice as he knew you won't like this part every month of the year, both before and after marriage, because of your annoying grandfather and father. 

"Let's go directly from office no need of getting changed." You said coldly which made him confused. Not getting the answer, you looked at him, only to see him connecting the dots from the previous events. You smiled at his cuteness as he was confused what was the point made you to tell this. 

"Father said that we are concentrating on dressing like cringy couples, than the company." You said, he nodded while pouting as last time you both wear same color dress as he wants to have a couple photo in the same type of dress. He asks for this every two or three months once. But you don't know why?

Time skips,
At dinner,
You both entered the 'Jeong Mansion', the guards bowed at you both. Namjoon was walking a step behind; he still has the inferiority complex when he comes to your house. You sighed and stopped, and he too stopped. 

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