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Celeste Malfoy is in the library, gathering books on animagi. Exams are fast approaching, (according to Cedric, Hermione, and all the professors) but the blonde girl hasn't started studying for them yet. If the exams are imminent, then so is her return to Malfoy Manor. She wants to see if she can find a way to become an animagus before then.

So far, all she's found are books on famous animagi and the official list of registered animagi (which includes Professor McGonagall, who Celeste has seen turn into a cat on many occasions). There are a couple books on the properties of animagi and how they are different from metamorphmagi. But there are no books on how to become an animagus.

The thirteen-year-old thinks she may need to check the restricted section soon, which is against the rules without a reference from a professor. Not that Celeste has any problem with breaking the rules. It just makes things more difficult for her.

She's also been practicing her Patronus charm. Apparently, the shape of her corporeal Patronus will be which animal she'll be able to change into. She's heard of Patronuses changing form before. She wonders if her animagus form will change if her Patronus changes.

If her Patronus went from a cat to a dog, would her animagus form do so as well? Not that she knows her Patronus yet, anyway. She's getting closer, but she can still only manage to produce some sort of whispy-looking, glowing mist.

The weeks pass by and, one night, Celeste is up late studying in the Gryffindor common room. She hasn't yet found out how to become an animagus, but she's getting close. She's just finishing up reading about the importance of electrical storms when she sees Neville Longbottom sneak downstairs.

"Neville, don't tell me you're trying to sneak out," Celeste sighs, making her presence known.

The boy looks startled at her before attempting to explain himself. "I— I have to, Celeste. Malfoy's about to get Harry and Hermione in trouble."

"You'll get caught. I'll deal with it." The girl says, "What's he going to do?"

"He said Harry's got a dragon and sneaking out with it!"

Celeste's not surprised at this. Harry's already gotten himself into lots of trouble just by existing. Stumbling upon a dragon seems like something that would happen to him.

"I'll take care of it. Thank you, Neville," the blonde girl says as she stands up from her seat.

"I— I'm going with you."

Celeste is surprised by this. "Neville..."

"No. I was put in Gryffindor for a reason, right? I want to be brave."

The boy looks so determined that the girl can't possibly tell him no. She's proud of him for standing his ground.

"Be quiet and do as I say. I mean it, Neville, you can't make a sound." Celeste says with a serious look in her eyes.

"Okay," Neville says, his nervousness present in his voice.

Celeste doesn't have the Marauder's Map, so she has to be extra careful not to get caught. Especially with Neville tagging along.

The two exit out of the portrait hole and begin heading towards the tallest Astronomy Tower in Hogwarts, the place Neville thinks Harry and Hermione will be. The boy shudders at every shadow and flinches at every noise, Celeste often having to shush him.

At one point, Professor McGonagall passes them, muttering angrily about "students out of bed."

Celeste pulls Neville and herself further into the shadows, but the boy somehow manages to knock over a broom that the girl swears was not there three seconds ago. The broom falls to the floor with a loud clatter and the professor immediately whips her head around to see the two Gryffindors.

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