Start of Term

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Fred, Celeste, and George are running through the halls, hysterically laughing. Onlooking students and professors know this is a terrible sign and scramble out of the way, desperate to not get involved. If the laughter isn't enough to scare onlookers, the fact that the three are covered in various colors of dust may just do the trick.

Celeste's joyous face is covered in pink and purple dust, while her hair is streaked with bright orange on one side and bright green on the ends of the other side. Her ropes are covered in red, yellow, and blue. She's like a running rainbow. And the twins look about the same.

However, if a particularly brave onlooker happens to be watching and hasn't yet been thoroughly terrified by what is happening, the angry screams and shrieks the three third years leave in their wake will send even the bravest of the bunch running for the hills.

What could these three have possibly done this time? The curious onlookers wonder this very question as they hide behind cracked doorways, trying to get a peek of the mayhem. This question is quickly answered by a rainbow-colored Percy Weasley sprinting after them and shrieking: "I AM A PREFECT! HOW DARE YOU! I'LL BE WRITING MUM! TEN POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!"

These shouts only seem to egg the three on as they laugh even harder. Celeste retrieves her wand from her robes and flicks it as she's running, sending sparks and fireworks shooting behind her.

As they explode, the Weasley boy gets covered in dancing, color-changing glitter that audibly shimmers. He halts his pursuit in the confusion of the GlitterWorks, an experimental invention of Celeste's, letting the three get away.

When they get to the common room, Celeste performs a clearing spell and all evidence of the prank is wiped away from her, George, and Fred. They run to hide behind Lee, Angelina, and Alicia (who are attempting to write a potions essay). Harry and Ron are also in the common room, baffled by their schoolwork. Ron is used to the mayhem, but Harry is rather intrigued.

Percy, still covered in rainbow dust and glitter, bursts in through the portrait hole. "WHERE ARE THEY?!" the boy shouts, exasperated.

Harry discreetly glances at Celeste and the twins. The thirteen-year-old girl winks at him and places a finger to her lips, silently telling the green-eyed boy to keep quiet.

No one gives them away and Percy, in frustration, storms off to his dorm to get cleaned up. When he's gone, almost everyone in the common room cheers for the three pranksters. Fred and George jump up and soak in the applause, gesturing for more cheers. Celeste, at the same time, jumps up and takes a few exaggerated bows.

"Thank you!" George says.

"Thank you!" Fred repeats.

"We'll be here all year!" Celeste ends the gimmick.

Hermione stands up from where she'd been reading in the corner and stomps over to the third years. "You mustn't do things like that!" She huffs. "It's against the rules!"

Celeste responds before her two redheaded friends get the chance, knowing they'd make things worse. "Hermione, I admire your morals, I really do. But what George, Freddie, and I are doing are just harmless pranks. I'll ask you to not reprimand us for them." She smiles at the younger girl to show that she's not upset, she just doesn't want to be bossed around.

George sees Fred's ears turn pink when Celeste calls him "Freddie" and wiggles his eyebrows at his twin.

Fred shoves George into the couch next to them in quiet embarrassment.

The bushy-haired girl eyes the twins, then slowly nods at the older girl. Normally, Hermione Granger isn't one to give in so easily. But, in the time she's gotten to reacquaint with Celeste, she's realized that the blonde girl is noble. Just in her own way. The first year won't stop reprimanding rule-breakers completely, she'll just give Celeste a little more leeway than most.

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