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Celeste Malfoy boards the Hogwarts Express, once again noticeably skinnier and more exhausted than when she had left it. Over the holidays, she had gained several new injuries, the most noticeable being a few deep cuts on her back and upper arms.

Luckily, none of them are very hard to hide— none of her friends will find out. She finds an empty compartment near the back of the train, intending to rest away from prying eyes. Not bothering to put up her bags, which lay on the floor of her compartment, she leans her head up against a window and closes her eyes.

She's able to feel at peace for the first time in what feels like an eternity (though it was really only a couple weeks). That peace is cut short as the memories of what happened begin to take over her mind.

The worst of it began at the elite, purebloods-only Christmas party that takes place every year. Celeste was trying to stay out of the way, electing to sulk in a corner of the ginormous old ballroom she was forced to stay in. She was wearing an awful but beautiful long black dress with silver snake designs at the hem.

Anyone who attempted to converse with her, usually friends of her parents, she would glare at, hoping they'd take the hint and go away. If they didn't leave her alone, she would rudely announce that she was a Gryffindor student and friends with muggleborns, half-bloods, and the Weasleys.

Her parents, in a not-so-subtle effort to keep her in line, forced her to dance with the Goyles' oldest son, Bernard. Not only did he have a face fit for radio, but his personality and politics were just as repulsive.

Celeste had stomped down hard on his feet with her silver heels and refused to cooperate with her family for the rest of the night (not that she was very cooperative in the first place).

When the Malfoys had arrived back at Malfoy Manor, Lucius was fuming. He sent Draco and Narcissa upstairs before turning to his daughter. He began scolding her, screaming about how she's an embarrassment to her family.

The thirteen year old girl had argued back that her family was an embarrassment to her. That did not go over well. Her father had retaliated by sending a string of curses at the girl, covering her in deep cuts and severe bruises.

The following morning, Narcissa had entered her daughter's bedroom.

"Come to scold me as well, mother?" Celeste had mused, doing her best to cover up how much pain she was in.

The woman's face was as disgusted as always, but her daughter was able to see a surprising hint of worry in her eyes. "Your father has already taken care of that. I am here to request something of you."

The girl let out an annoyed huff, "What do you want now? Would you like me to petition the headmaster to reconsider my sorting, place me in Slytherin like the good little pureblood I am? Or perhaps you wish that I'd go out with Goyle, the bumbling oaf that he is?"

Narcissa's eyes narrowed. "Do not dare speak to me with that tone again. I will not tolerate disrespect. All I ask of you is that you stop tormenting Draco and his friends while at school."

"And why would I do that?"

"He's your brother, you are supposed to look after him."

Celeste let out a cold chuckle of disbelief. "Is that what you tell him when he gets me in trouble with you and father? While I'm busy being tortured by your husband, are you preaching to your son about the value of his sister?"

Her mother didn't respond, giving the girl the answer she needed.

"Besides, he hasn't been my brother in a long time. No one in this house has been my family since the moment I got sorted into Gryffindor," she bitterly spat. And she meant it from the bottom of her heart and from the depths of her very soul.

"And whose fault is that?" Narcissa snapped, anger replacing the worry in her eyes.

"Why don't you go ask your husband? Or, better yet, take a look in the mirror."

Celeste's treatment only got worse after that.

The green-eyed girl snaps out of her memory as the door to her compartment opens, revealing Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger.

"Merlin, Celeste, we were looking in every compartment for you!" Cedric laughs as he and the younger girl enter.

"Did you have a good holiday?" Hermione asks, happy to see the older girl.

Celeste, who put on a smile the moment she saw them, nods. "As good a holiday one can have while living with Draco," she laughs.

The Hufflepuff chuckles along with her while Hermione makes a face. "I always forget you two are related."

Celeste smiles before glancing at her two friends. "I didn't know you knew each other," she muses.

"Ran into her while looking for you, actually," Cedric explains. "She's quite bright."

The bushy-haired girl smiles a sort of proud and embarrassed smile.

"Well, sit down, both of you— tell me about your holidays! Don't leave anything out!"

Hermione sits down next to Celeste while Cedric takes a seat in front of the blonde. He begins telling the girls about how he and his dad went to visit some family of theirs in Canada.

Hermione tells the two about her Christmas at home and some family traditions of hers. The third years, both being purebloods, are amazed by the concept of trees that hold candles and yet don't burn down (without magic).

On the carriage ride back to Hogwarts, the three are joined by Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. Most of the conversation revolves around quidditch. The first year, though she doesn't play or do commentary for quidditch, supplies lots of fun facts and stories about the game from the many books she's read.

When she tells a story about how there was an animagus who was a Seeker that would win games by turning into a hawk and diving for the snitch, Celeste has an idea. What if she becomes an animagus to hide from her family? They can't possibly hurt her if they can't find her. She makes a mental note to research it later.

Harry seems happier to see the green-eyed girl than usual as he greets her with an eager smile. She pulls him into a hug, thinking that maybe he just missed her while she was gone. Little does she know, the green-eyed boy had also stumbled upon the mirror in the unused classroom. It had shown him his family, Celeste being a part of it.

After learning from Dumbledore that the mirror showed the deepest desires of one's heart, Harry had realized that the blonde girl was truly like an older sister to him. And so, as Harry is being hugged by Celeste, he feels like he's being hugged by his sister. For once in his life, he feels like he has someone that's family to him. It's a good feeling.

Celeste can't possibly know any of this, nor does she know why the mirror showed her what it showed her. However, since her conversation with her mother, the blonde has come to a similar conclusion of her own. If the Malfoys aren't her family, if Draco isn't her brother, who is? Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

Yes, Celeste's friends her own age and all of the Weasleys are more like family to her than the Malfoys. But the two first years are the only ones who feel like the word family to her. She can't quite explain why, they just are. And that's enough of a reason for now.

The blonde girl spends the rest of the day giving and receiving belated Christmas gifts. She's always waited until after the holidays to celebrate Christmas with her friends (so that her family can't take her gifts or punish her for anything). They've stopped questioning it and simply enjoy their second Christmas. Celeste's favorite gift, as always, is the deep green (with a pale golden "C") sweater she receives from Mrs. Weasley.

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