The Hogwarts Epress

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"Be good," Narcissa Malfoy instructs her daughter. Lucius just stares down disdainfully at the girl, not uttering a word.

"Get sorted into Slytherin, sissy, that's where all the real wizards are," Draco tells his big sister in his better-than-everyone tone of voice.

She doesn't understand how a nine-year-old can be so entitled. But, then again, she was probably like that at nine. It's a good thing she's eleven and much wiser now.

"Goodbye," Celeste says to her family. They nod, but do not say it back. And then they disapparate, leaving her alone on the platform.

"Celeste!" The girl turns and sees Phoebe running up to her, neat as ever. Even while running, the girl has not a hair out of place.

"Phoebe!" Celeste smiles at her friend. "Shall we board the express?"

"We shall," Phoebe agrees, smiling back.

"I need to use the lavatory," Phoebe whispers to Celeste. "Do you mind putting up both of our trunks?"

"Go," Celeste laughs. "I got it."

Phoebe nods gratefully and rushes out of the compartment.

Celeste, try as she may, cannot seem to put up the trunks. Being eleven-years-old and rather short for her age makes this an extremely difficult task. On one final attempt, she almost gets it, but the trunk comes toppling down, hitting the poor girl on the head and knocking her over.

She hears someone laugh behind her. "Need a hand?"

The girl turns around and sees two identical, redheaded boys. By the second-hand state of their robes, she assumes that these are Weasley boys. The first one is reaching his hand out for her to grab, smirking.

She gladly takes it, a little pink in the face from being caught falling over in such a way.

The second one puts up the trunks for her.

"Thanks," she smiles at them.

"You're quite welcome," the first one says, still smirking.

"My name is George," introduces the second one. "I'm the handsome one."

"I'm Fred," the first boy says, shoving his brother in the arm. "I'm the better-looking one."

Celeste smiles and rolls her eyes. "Nice to make your acquaintance."

"What's your name?" Fred asks.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the sorting for that," the girl smirks. "It's classified," she whispers.

"Oh, you evil woman," George jokes.

"What house do you think you'll get sorted into?" Celeste asks the boys, already guessing that it'll be Gryffindor.

"Gryffindor," the twins answer at the same time.

"What about you?" Fred asks.

"That's classified as well," Celeste smirks again.

"Well," George begins.

"What isn't classified?" Fred ends.

"I'm a first year."

"How illuminating," George sarcastically comments.

"Well, we best be off. We have a friend waiting in our compartment," Fred ends the conversation. "See you soon, Madam Classified."

"Until we meet again," George leaves with his brother.

Phoebe approaches Celeste as the twins leave. "What were you doing talking to the Weasley twins?" The girl asks in disgust.

"They helped me put up the trunks," Celeste shrugs. "Now, onto our plan..."

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