2: Lumina Jade

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The next morning Lloyd woke up early to go Kryptarium. He was more excited to see his possible family than to receive the results. After he brushed his teeth, washed his face and got dressed, he slowly slid his door open and tiptoed out the monastery. Everyone was still asleep and he didn't want to attract anyone's attention.

When he arrived, he was greeted by the warden once more, who nodded and smiled at him. As Lloyd walked down the hospital corridor, he noticed how quiet it was.

Am I too early? Will she even be awake right now?

The bright lights made his spine shiver. Lloyd reached the 16th curtain which stood out from the rest.

Why are you scared Lloyd? It's not like she hasn't seen you before. Plus things are different now. She no longer hates you. Does she? Stop. Stop it Lloyd.

His fingers fiddled with the knot tied onto the metal hooks of the curtain. He noticed how it was only tied on the outside.

She can't... leave?

He parted the curtain just enough so he could fit through.
"Gah!" Lloyd shut his eyes and covered his face with his hands, "I can come back later when y-"

"Don't be silly, you know I'm just feeding her."

"And, b-but your-"

"It's fine Lloyd, come," Harumi answered, her soothing voice reassured.

"A-are you sure... I-I'll just," Lloyd waved his hands around to feel where everything was, "sit over here on the floor right here." clumsily bumping into the baby's bassinet.

"No no, you won't see anything, I promise," she told him patting the space on her bed she made, shuffling along to the side, "Come, sit here."

Lloyd opened and squinted his eyes at the piercing light shining above them.
"Oh, alright," he sheepishly said.

"Pass me the blanket on the table over there for me, will you?"

"Uh," Lloyd got up, "which one?" he held up two fairly similarly sized thin receiving blankets, one striped with blue and pink. the other one checkered green.

"You choose," Harumi smiled, as she adjusted the baby into a more comfortable position without breaking the feed.

"Oh okay, this one then," Lloyd decided, handing it to her.

"Aw, green. My favourite. Reminds me of the old jacket I wore when we gave food to the homeless," she reminisced, pulling down her gown some more. She draped the blanket on top her the baby and tied the ends around her neck loosely.

"Yeah, even though it was all an act, it's still my favourite memory with you."

"I hope you're not as gullible as your father, Lu."

"Woah! First of all, we don't even know if I'm the father yet and se-"

"Who else would it be? You were the only one I actually got close to! You think I had time to have sex with anyone I wanted while I was helping the Overlord take over Ninjago and destroy the balance?" she scoffed.

"Uh maybe? Plus secondly, you named the baby without me?"

"Did you not just say it might not be yours?"

"Yes! But still..."

"Lumina Jade, but once the DNA test proves that everything I'm saying isn't just lies, it'll be Garmadon. Nobody ever believes a girl on pain medication!"

"You did sound really off yesterday."

"Like you did on the day Lumi was made?"

"Can we not talk about that! It was a mistake but, that's... really nice, actually," Lloyd smiles to himself, "Lumi."

"Help me untie it, will you?" Harumi turns her neck to Lloyd.

After Lloyd unties the blanket, he pulls it away, revealing Harumi's breasts and baby Lumi, whose eyes were glistening brightly at Lloyd. He blushes hard and his face feels warm.

"Hopefully she gets those green eyes of yours," Harumi smiles.

"She'd look more cute then she already is."

"Hold her for me, I need to button up my gown again," she says, handing squirming baby to Lloyd, "be careful as well, her head's still soft."

Harumi moves away her pale white hair from her shoulders and closes up the bottom two buttons.

The same nurse from yesterday comes through the curtains. "I see you three are already getting along very well," she smiles, taking out a white envelope for Lloyd. "You might want to put Lu down in her bassinet or give her to Harumi to hold."

"Oh okay yes," he agrees as Harumi reaches her arms out to have her baby back, "is this the...?"

"Yes it is the paternity results," she hands it to him smiling. "I think I'll leave you three be. Just call me if you need anything." The nurse waves to Harumi who is playing with her wriggling baby.

"Well Lloyd, you want to open it and see that I'm telling the truth then?" Harumi raises her eyebrows at him.

"Rumi, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that-" Lloyd tears open the envelope and unfolds the document.

"It's just what?"

"I just don't know how the others will react, you know?"

"So, you are the father?"

"Yes but-"

"You'll have to take her then. I don't that much longer until they'll take her away from me. You have to Lloyd."

"I-I can't. I'm a ninja... I can't risk Lumina's life, you wouldn't want that, would you? And I don't have the time to raise a child. I'm 17! Plus, the conspiracies!"

"Should've planned that before you got drunk, hm?"

"Stop! Just stop it! What about you then?"

"I only did what I had to!" Harumi snapped back.

The raise of the young parents voices made Lumi squirm so that her swaddle was loose enough for her arms to stretch and pop out. In a matter of time after more arguing on whose fault it was, the baby started to squirm and cry louder and louder.

"Wow, thanks a lot Green Ninja" Harumi rolled her eyes at the boy who still hadn't stop yelling. She swayed the overstimulated baby side to side until she calmed down a bit.

"You were saying?" she raised her eyebrows at him

"Ugh. How long do you have left in here?"

"I don't know, how long has it been?"

"It's been almost 6 months, Rumi," Lloyd told her, "The monastery is basically rebuilt already."

"Lloyd, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think I have a life sentence here..."


"Yeah... so you'll have to take Lu, the commissioner said I have her until the end of this week if I don't find anyone to look after her."

"Rumi! You already know I can't. We literally had an argument about this a minute ago!" starting to get frustrated again.

"Just go Lloyd. Lu's sleeping now, I don't want you to wake her up, she hasn't slept well for the past two days. I'll... figure something out."

"I'm sorry Rumi, and no, let me handle this. I promise I'll yous both out, together."

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