Plot Twists Suck

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"Wooow!" beamed Keiji, looking up at the expansive domes in the ceiling. "Thiiiis muuuseuuum is heeellaaa biiiig."

"Yeah, it's a big museum," I replied, narrowing my eyes. "Are you sure you're from Sydney?"

"Absoooluuuteeely posiiidiiive, maade."

"Stop being rude, Zeta," Shirane retorted. "Of course, he's from Sydney. I mean, look at that impeccable city boy accent."

The five of us had made our way to the Delvoire Museum of History & Natural Sciences, after spending a couple of minutes arguing on how we'd pay the bill (Keiji offered to contribute a decent amount, despite having known us for literally ten minutes).

The museum looked a lot like the Parthenon, featuring architecture heavily inspired by the ancient Greeks. The interior, however, honestly felt like being inside some medieval Gothic Church.

"Impeccable city boy accent," I mocked. "Sure thing."

"Guuuys? I'm riiighd heeere, youuu knooow?" Keiji popped in, looking slightly annoyed.

"Sorry, man, it's just that I've never heard anyone talk like you." I offered sheepishly. "You sound like me trying to put on an Australian accent. And I've sounded a lot better."

"Aaah, weeell, I've beeen tooold thaaad byyy a looot of peeople," he nodded. "Buud thiiis is hooow I taaalk."

"Ugh, don't mind Zeta," Shirane rolled her eyes. "She's always judging people like there's no tomorrow."

"Shut it." I frowned before turning back to look at the crowd of people with us. A lot of them were tourists buzzing with excitement and anticipation. It took me a few seconds to realize two of my wonderful companions were missing. "Where are Sora and Charli?"

"Making out or something, I dunno."


"Dude, they could be anywhere. They've ditched us. And they have a thing for each other. You do the math."

"Okay, this feels like something we need to discuss," I frowned, just as the guide arrived. "Which we will definitely do later."

The tour guide turned out to be a tall woman with red hair whom I had never seen before in my life, which was concerning because I knew literally everybody in Delvoire. It was that small.

"Hallo, all you beautiful people," she began, brightly. "I'm Dorothy, and I shall be leading tonight's very anticipated ghost tour. I hope no one's scared!"

Everyone cheered, and Keiji let out a questionable whoop.

"Great!" she beamed. "I can see all of you are pretty energetic and riled up, so let's begin. Follow me this way, please."

"Hey, hold my hand," Shirane whispered as everyone started moving. "So that you don't get lost."

"Gee, thanks," I mumbled, still taking it. "Also, do you know her?"

"Dorothy? Never seen her in my life."

"Exactly," I muttered. "It's making me feel weird."


"It just is."

"Sheee coould beee neew aaat heeer joooob," whispered Keiji. "I dooon't thiiink iiit's weeiird aat aall."

"Of course you don't."

"Guys, hurry up!" yelled Dorothy. "We don't have a lot of time."

Shirane yanked my hand and we walked fast, trying to keep up with everyone.

"Okay, so to your right, you'll see the famous T-Rex," Dorothy grinned toothily, stopping by the dinosaur's huge skeleton. "Legend has it that the teeth of the dinosaur chatter at night due to the presence of our beloved ghost."

A couple of people ooh'ed while others snorted with disbelief. Well, I snorted with disbelief. I had participated in the ghost tour four times, and by now, I knew most of the tricks they used to make people pay up more and more.

"Unfortunately, doesn't seem like the T-Rex is super scared tonight," she continued, shrugging apologetically. "Why don't we move on to our next segment?"

Everyone booed.

"Now, now, I'm sorry but I promise we're going to get a lot of scares tonight," she smiled pleasantly, like an air hostess handling a difficult passenger. "Just follow me, and the fun shall come."

The crowd murmured angrily but decided to give in and move forward.

Keiji nudged my arm, bending down to whisper, "Diiiid the meeechaaaniiism nooot wooork ooor somethiiing?"

"Might not have," I shrugged. "I've never actually seen the teeth chatter, so they probably never found a way to, uh, hook up something to it- ow, Shirane, stop pulling!"

"She's getting away," she hissed back. "We can't afford to lose ourselves."

"I doubt this place is big enough to get lost in- OKAY, I'm going!"

Keiji chuckled softly and I blushed.

Shirane, however, didn't seem to be in a very good mood. She looked really tense.

"Um, hey, what's going on?" I whispered as she dragged me further. "You don't look so good."

She stopped and turned to me, her expression grim. "I dunno. I'm having a bad feeling."


She took a deep breath. "I- I think something bad's gonna happen... I'm just getting this really strong intuition and-"

"What could possibly happen in this absolutely boring-"

And that was when everyone dropped dead.

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