The Pick-Up Line Bet

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"So, tell me, can't girls use pick-up lines on guys?"

"Of course, they can." said Sora.

"Duh." added Charli.

The three of them stared at me.

"Don't look at me," I raised an eyebrow. "I hate pick-up lines in general."

The four of us had decided to spend some time at the new cafe that had just opened in Delvoire - Cats 'n' Coffee. We hadn't seen any cats so far (only several potted plants and two grumpy employees), and the coffee was mid, but other than, the ambiance and lighting in the place was great - pretty dreamy and chill.

Or at least, that's what we were trying to convince ourselves.

"Ugh, killjoy," Shirane stuck her tongue out, while I winked at her. "Anyways, we have to search for some awesome lines!"

"Why, anyone you wanna use 'em on?"

"Well, not at the moment, but I have a feeling I might find someone tonight..." she trailed off, and then composed herself. "However, I have a better idea."

"Wow," I muttered. "That was fast."

"We should look for the really really really really really bad ones," she grinned, ignoring my jab. "The most horrible and disgusting one liners that anyone could ever come up with."

"I have one for you," snickered Charli. "YA BORING!"

I choked on my coffee.

"Joke's on you, that's not a pick-up line," grumbled Shirane. "Anyways, are you in or are you not?"

"Hard pass."

"I wasn't talking to you."

"Sorry, Zeta, but I'm bored," Charli chuckled. "Seems kinda interesting."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not interesting when you can predict what shit you're gonna find."

"I have to agree," nodded Sora. "I mean, I can already imagine what we might just end up finding out. Does nobody care about not being traumatized?"

"Nobody does!" Shirane groaned violently. "I'm down for anything so as long as I'm doing it with you guys. Isn't the power of friendship enough?"

"Indeed," I said. "Oh, yeah, speaking of friendship, you owe me one plate of tiramisu, Charli."

Charli slowly turned her face towards me. "What?"

"Remember Magnus?" I grinned. "Hurry now, I heard they're gonna run out soon."

A few days ago, some really tall Swede had shown up in our class as an exchange student, and as luck would have it, Charli fell for him at first sight. This was not, per say, the best idea, but I couldn't blame her - he was really tall.

Charli had decided to flirt with this guy by calling him "really tall", but found out the hard way that he was really sensitive about his height and didn't like it when people called him "really tall". What resulted was the most painful brawl (tall guy vs the classroom desks) to watch in history, ending with an unnecessary visit to Principal Darnby and a lecture with the phrase, "I never expected this from you" being thrown around a lot.

I wish I was kidding, but I saw the whole thing happen.

Which is why Charli pursed her lips and stood up, stretching, annoyed that she owed me one. "You start, I'll be back with Zeta's... whatever."

Shirane narrowed her eyes and shrugged, watching Charli trudge towards the queue filled with grumpy parents, tired college students and... an old East Asian man with a dragon tattoo on the back of his neck. Yikes.

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